Page 29 of Beast of Eden

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Violet let out a puff of laughter, then simulated a gagging reflex. Franco laughed more than he had in years.

“It’s okay. I will check to see if they have something downstairs. In the meantime, you can have your delicious medley, and we can be on our way.”

She whipped the sheets off the rest of her body, then rose before him, utterly naked. They gazed at each other, but only for a moment before Violet began to search the floor for the remnants of her clothing.

“Maybe I should have brought a better change of clothing last night, hmm?” Violet teased, slipping on her dress without a bra or underwear.

Her hair was loose and disheveled, her face cleared of makeup, and she remained enchanting. The fact that she could look so silly in front of him said something about her comfort level with him, which in itself, was exhilarating.

“Perhaps you should have,” he jested back.

Franco offered to walk Violet to her room, but she shook her head adamantly, saying that the walk of shame was her own walk of pride. They kissed at the door, with a universe of subtext behind it.

Franco forced the door closed as he watched her walk through the hallway barefoot, carrying her heels and purse in one hand, her panties and bra in the other. She was astounding in so many ways already. He rubbed his face as he tried to massage away the thoughts of having her again, tasting the corners of her body that he had missed the night before.

“Okay. Enough. Time to go,” he said aloud.

Franco mixed his protein shake and downed six eggs directly from the shell. He wanted to give Violet time to get ready and get something substantial to eat. But she insisted on half an hour, remarking that she didn’t want to take away any more time from his already disrupted schedule.

They met in the hotel lobby, the day beyond them bright and pleasant. Just when he thought she couldn’t get any cuter, she showed up next to him, poking his shoulder and revealing her jogging ensemble.


She had her hair tied up but had also adorned a headband to push the bangs out of her face. She wore tight jogging pants that hugged her bum like a dream, along with a matching long-sleeve T-shirt and a spectacularly supportive sports bra.

Violet looked at him, smirking on one side of her mouth. She knew she was a bombshell without even trying. He wanted to kiss away that look and taste her mouth again.

“Beyond ready,” Franco quipped back, gazing down at his own joggers and sponsored T-shirt. “There is a park beyond here where I like to go. It’s for both humans and other beings … should the mood strike you.”

Her blue eyes glittered at him, and for a second, Franco thought he might faint. The creases around her eyes and cheeks were so deep that he figured they just might crack with jubilation.

“I do indeed believe that mood will find me,” she purred back.

After quickly nibbling on a protein bar Violet had found in the hotel convenience store, they headed outside and walked toward the park Franco had been referring to. He was thankful he brought his sunglasses because he was blown away every time he turned to regard Violet during their conversation. His attraction to her was not only blossoming like a rose that was gently nurtured but fucking exploding like a building on detonation day.

His mind and body were at war, mayhem ensuing at every moment, but he didn’t dare consider casting it aside.

When they arrived at the park, Franco was glad to find it was mostly deserted. It was a workday for most folks, after all, and the place was beyond where usual city dwellers tended to explore. He showed Violet into the woods, where they would have the privacy shifters required to show off their fur and stretch their weary bones.

They moved silently into the forest area, which was bursting with sparkling, emerald-green trees and naturally tended grass. When they had moved in enough that they could retreat from potential observers, Franco stopped and then proceeded to remove his shirt.

That wild, curious look returned to Violet’s eyes. She watched him closely as he got naked, feeling like his own eyes were as big as saucers under starlight.

“Your turn,” he quipped.

Without a second thought, Violet also stripped down. She removed her bra last, keeping eye contact with him the whole time as she unclasped her bindings and emitted that appetizing sigh that came with the freedom of nakedness.

“God,” he muttered.

They didn’t stand there for very long before they shifted. Franco had done the act thousands of times before, so many times that it had gone stale. It was like going to the bathroom or changing your clothes; it was normal and starkly routine.

But changing in front of Violet while also watching how she evolved into the majestic tangerine orange and jet-black beast of her tigress, with acute awe, made Franco feel reborn.

His bones crackled and snapped as he set his own creature free. He sighed and roared, feeling that familiar sense of relief like having a weighted backpack finally be removed from one’s aching shoulders.

They stood before each other, huge, exotic, captivating cats. Franco instantly heard Violet in his mind, as soft and smooth as velvet, crawling in and caressing until his fur stood on edge.

