Page 44 of Beast of Eden

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They drank a bit and chatted with other racers, but Violet was always keenly aware of Franco’s hands on her. Being on his arm made her feel sexy. Having him wrap a hand around her waist and rest it daringly close to her ass made her feel like he was proud to have her with him, and that pride coursed through her veins like fire.

She had forgotten all about the mishap on the track, especially when Franco kissed her exposed shoulder, signaling the end of their night amongst the unwashed masses. The rest of the evening would be immaculately open and free for them to explore any and every corner of each other that they wished to venture to.

Violet had told him that he could have her anywhere, anytime, and she was surprised by her own words. They were sultry and naughty, and she meant every word. She had never been so comfortable and earnest with a man in her entire life.

Franco growled, his pupils shrinking into tiny pinpricks of darkness as his beast emerged. Her own tigress mewed inside, pleading for his hands and mouth to trace every inch of her body and her soul.

“Well, I think it’s time to call it a night,” he said roughly, then rose sharply from the table.

They said their goodbyes to every person who was relevant that night, then escaped into the darkness where their driver was waiting.

Violet felt herself pulsing under her dress as the driver jetted back to their hotel. She thought about making out with her mate again in the back seat. Her hands were feeling terribly empty. But Franco was already spidering his fingers up her leg, starting at her knee, dipping below the silk fabric of her dress, and nestling firmly between her legs.

She was soaking wet, his fingers finding her without underwear or even a G-string.

Violet’s breath hitched in her throat, the pressure of him unexpected, the tingle of her clit so profound, she had to grip onto the door of the car.


He was surprised by her lack of undergarments, and she saw him instantly get hard. His expression of playfulness had snapped away into the ravenous stare of a savage beast. He wanted to devour her, and she wanted him to.

“You’re so fucking sexy,” he growled, pressing harder against her clit, watching her shake and cry out unhinged once more. “How did I find such a perfect goddess?”

Violet could barely focus on his words. Her clit, that beautiful bundle of nerves, felt like it was going to pop off at any second. She had planned on going slowly and sensually that night, but she had underestimated his urgency for her.

He was mad with lust, rubbing her clit in rapid circles as the wet sounds of her pussy filled the back of the car. A scorching hot-white light appeared before Violet’s eyes as she orgasmed, feeling like a wild creature of the universe.

“Oh my God, oh my God!”

She whimpered in utter disbelief that he had pushed her over the edge so quickly and easily. He slowed the pace when she became too sensitive, her pelvis rocking against him like waves crashing onto the shore. They arrived at the hotel just in time for him to slide his fingers from between her legs, then he slipped them languidly into his mouth.

Violet had never done any hard drugs in her life, but at that moment, she wondered if this was what it felt like to be on heroin. She tilted her head against the seat, panting, wet, sublimely shocked.

Franco was smiling, popping his fingers out of his mouth.

“You are mouthwatering, darling,” he whispered.

He helped her out of the car in the daze, then moved through the glaring lights of the hotel lobby. He held onto her hand as they tried to walk nonchalantly, but Violet felt like she was intoxicated. Her honey juices ran down her leg as the elevator doors closed, the post-climax daze bringing forth her unfiltered appreciation.

“That was incredible,” she breathed.

Franco lifted her hand to his lips, then kissed each knuckle. The electric bouquet of her loins was still twinkling with life as his smirk nearly destroyed her.

“You deserve all that and even more, tenfold.”

Franco guided her to his suite, which she had only seen briefly in the dark and in the crisp light of morning the first time they had slept together. He flicked on the light and removed her coat for her, kissing her neck as he did.

“Mmm, baby,” she groaned.

The bathroom was adjacent to the entryway, and Violet peered in as Franco gnawed at her neckline. She bit her lip, pressing her ass firmly against his bulge.

“You have a hot tub,” she mused.


Franco unzipped the back of her dress as he teased the top of her breasts from behind. When it was down, she untucked her arms, then slowly let it fall to the ground and pool at her feet. Suddenly, she was naked.

Her intentions for the night returned, and because of the adventurous orgasm in the car, she felt spirited and flirty.
