Page 72 of Beast of Eden

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His eyebrows went up. “Wowza.”

She smiled. “I know. I got you covered.”

They both got out of the vehicle and headed into the venue. He held her hand firmly as they walked.

Once inside, they headed toward the track to chat with the guys. Cornel smiled at her, giving her a wave. “Morning, manager. How’s the driver today?”

Franco smirked. “Well rested.”

She elbowed him hard, glaring at him. She didn’t need them to know about their sex life, even if her tiger purred at the mention. She liked to keep that part of their lives private.

“He’s fine,” she said, shooting her middle finger at Franco. “A smartass, but fine.”

Cornel laughed at them, patting Franco’s back. “Don’t piss her off. She can make your day ten times harder.” It was true, and it had been a threat she’d used to win her argument a few times.

“See? Don’t anger your manager.”

Franco gave her a kiss. “I love you. Now go do whatever it is you need to get to.”

Violet turned on her heel and headed inside. She had a meeting with a reporter before the race to talk about what Franco was looking forward to. She was his voice before the race and his wife after.

She found the reporter, Holly, waiting in a meeting room inside. Her head snapped up when she stepped into the room, and Violet gave her a smile.

“Hey, Violet. Thank you so much for meeting with me. I know you’re busy, and I promise to make this as quick as I can.”

She slid into a seat across the large table and placed her hands together. Most people were interested in knowing about their love life rather than Franco’s racing. She’d been okay with it for a while but always wanted to talk about how proud of him she was.

“Thank you for having the time,” Holly said, giving her a nod.

Holly flipped a notebook open, and Violet noticed rows of questions. She chuckled softly to herself.

Holly cleared her throat. “You have been Franco’s manager for a year now, correct?”

She nodded. “A little less than a year, but close.”

“Have you enjoyed being the manager for your husband? Has it hindered your marriage at all?”

“I love being my husband’s manager. It gives us a lot of time together. We have struggled at some points, but we have learned how to make this work.”

“Well, we’ve certainly seen more of Franco since you’ve taken over his management. How does he feel about the race today?”

She thought about last night and this morning. The way his hands felt against her skin and how he made her move. She knew he was ready. If he had any concerns, he fucked them out.

“Confident as always,” she said, giving Holly a smile. “Eager to get on the track.”

Holly chuckled, nodding. “He’s been doing amazing so far this year. Does he have any goals he’s hoping to reach?”

She imagined what he wanted. He was already on top, so there wasn’t much farther up for him to go. She knew he had ideas, family-wise. But they hadn’t spoken about going public with that.

“To stay on top,” she said.

Holly flipped her notebook shut. “Would you mind another interview with Franco after the race? My boss wants me to ask some questions with both of you.”

She thought about her schedule. “Sure, we can do that. Just catch us after the race.”

She pulled herself up and headed out of the room. She had a few phone calls to make and then some time to watch Franco do a practice run before prepping for the race.

They sat down to relax shortly before the race. Violet slumped onto the couch and sighed heavily. Franco chuckled at her as he tossed a chip into his mouth. “You okay?”

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