Page 74 of Beast of Eden

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Franco pulled into their pit area, unbuckling and hoisting himself out of the car. He moved quickly, his eyes locked on her. He strode across the pit, pulling her into a kiss.

Her knees buckled, and she leaned into him. For just one moment, it was just them. The sudden clearing of throats caused them to move apart.

She blushed a deep red as Franco stepped back, throwing his arms up at everyone else. The crowd went wild.

They went to the press conference after, where Franco was bombarded with questions they had all heard before.

“How does it feel to win?”

“What number is this for you?”

“Where do you have your next race?”

Franco answered everything with a smile running on the energy from his win. She stood next to him, holding his hand and prouder than she had thought possible.

A little after four, she caught Holly waiting for them. Franco was talking on his phone, and she stopped him.

“We have one more stop before we can leave,” she said, pulling him with her toward Holly.

Holly smiled as they stood in the hallway, the echo of the fans still loud behind them. Holly smiled at Franco. “Amazing win.”

“Thank you.”

She flipped open her notebook. “I’ll be quick. I have some personal questions for you guys. Aside from your racing, what are some goals you guys hope to achieve soon?”

Franco spoke up before she could even answer. “Starting a family.”

Her eyes slid to him. They had spoken about it but never out in public. She was shocked at his openness.

Most of their life was spoken about, and he’d expressed wanting to keep that between them for the time being. Maybe now he was ready to be open about it.

“Really?” Holly sounded stunned, and rightfully so, since that was pure gold for her and he career. No one else knew about it.

“Are you sure that’s something you want me to write?” she asked, looking between them.

Franco looked at her. “I see no reason not to. We both want children, and we’ve already been trying.”

Holly wrote it down and continued on to the next question. Violet’s mind was focused on the last one, though. Franco was thinking about them having children. Her tiger leapt at the idea.

When they arrived home late that night, she stopped him before he could head into the shower. “Are you sure about letting that reporter talk about our personal life?”

He tilted his head slightly to the side. “Were you not ready?”

“No, I have no problem bringing that up, but I know you like to be a little more private.”

He smirked, running a hand through her hair. “Considering the number of times we’ve done it, it’s only a matter of time before we are expecting. Besides, Holly was sweet. She deserved to break that news.”

He turned, and she smiled. She liked where their life had landed, and she was eager to have children. She placed her hand on her stomach, feeling her toes curl. She knew it would be soon, and that perfect family was going to be hers.

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