Page 28 of Loving Emma

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“Sorry.” Yeah, maybe I should go home. The last thing I wanted to do was bring the party down.

“Okay, down to business.” Maya stood up, pulling her long, brown hair into a messy bun on top of her head. “I’m gonna grab some shots and order some food. Then I’ll be back and we’re gonna discuss whatever the fuck is going on with you, Emma. You wanna give me a hand, Han?”


While we waited for Maya and Hannah to come back, I chatted to Poppy. “I love that your store is doing so well.”

Poppy sighed with satisfaction. “Thank you. It’s doing so much better than I’d imagined, and the award is just the icing on the cake—oh wow! I didn’t even mean that.” She giggled, running her fingers through her pink hair. “Anyway, Zack helped me with a business plan and we’re ahead of schedule, which is just the best.”

I frowned. “Zack?”

“You don’t remember Zack Conway? He moved here in junior high.”

I tried to recall. “Maybe. Vaguely.”

“He was always pretty quiet in school, but anyway, we’re good friends and he’s been a huge help. I don’t know where I’d be without him.”

“That’s great. Honestly, I couldn’t be happier for you, Poppy. You’re so sweet, and you work so hard, and you should be so proud of yourself. And now this award… it’s all awesome, and you totally deserve it.”

“Aww, thanks so much for saying that.”

“Okay, here we go. Hannah’s got the beers, but we’ll start with these.” Maya set a tray on the table.

“What are they?”

“Pineapple upside down cake shots. I thought, since we’re all here celebrating Poppy, they were appropriate.”

Poppy clapped her hands in excitement. “I love it, thanks Maya!”

Hannah handed the beers around, then we each picked up a shot glass. “To Poppy!” Hannah announced.

“To Poppy!” we chorused in unison, then knocked back the drinks.

“Holy shit, that’s delicious!” I said, wiping my lips with the back of my hand.

“Aren’t they? So good,” Emilia agreed. “Might have to have another round in a bit.”

“Okay. Emma. Wasn’t that Jake Walker I saw when we walked in?” Hannah asked, sliding my beer to me across the table.

“Oh, was it? I didn’t notice,” I lied.

Maya looked at me with narrowed eyes, clearly not buying it. “Didn’t you two used to go out, back in the day?”

“Exactly. Back in the day. That’s all in the past.”

“Hmm, well, judging by the way he was looking at you, I’d say he wishes it was still in the present.”

If only.“Ha. Doubt it.” I took a swig of beer, hoping it would do something to dull the ache in my heart.

Poppy covered my hand with hers. “Wait, is he the reason you look like you’re so angry you could commit murder?”

I blew out a breath. Talking about it would be good, but I’d already ruled out discussing it with Lucy, Zara and Ally, since they were all so close to Jake, it didn’t seem fair on them. Who else was there? Not my dad, obviously. Steven? No. I looked around the table. These girls were my best shot, all I had. I’d known them for a long time, and knew they wouldn’t gossip or anything. “Okay, fine, since you asked. Yes, I am pissed. More than pissed.”

“I’m so sorry, hun.” Poppy’s eyes shone with sympathy.

“Thanks.” I took another swig of beer and settled back against the chair. Where to start? “So, I don’t know if you heard, but Jake was in a car accident recently.”

“I did hear about that. They had to fly him to hospital or something, didn’t they?” Hannah asked.
