Page 109 of Brighton

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“More than a year, baby. I knew on night one I would marry you. Hell, I probably knew a decade ago. I guess that’s why Braxton made me promise—”

My eyes narrow, and I grind my teeth together.

His responding grin is wide and guileless.

“Are you arguing with me right now?” He tumbles over me on all fours as I lay beneath him.

“I’m about to.” I look away, on the verge and overwhelmed, wanting to hear him say the words, but wanting this moment to stretch out forever and burn it in my memory.

He laughs again and turns my face back to him with his thumb and forefinger. “Kimp was fine to give his blessing, but he said I didn’t need his permission for your hand. He said that wasn’t his to give. It was yours.”

My mouth drops open, and after a long moment of silence, I whisper, “He did?”

He nods. “He did. So, Brighton Ranger, I want to marry you. I want to grow old with you. Will you agree to be my wife?”

I close my eyes and drop my head to the side. Every fantasy I’ve ever had is coming true.

He holds me while I collect my thoughts… not about whether I’ll marry him—that’s a given, but to settle my racing mind. When I meet his gaze again, I say simply, “Yes.”

He leans down and kisses me. His smile breaks our kiss. “Good.”

“Do you want your ring now or later?”

I knew but I just didn’t know, if that makes sense. “You already have a ring?”

He nods. “Darlin’, you think I’d propose if I hadn’t done my due diligence?”

I shrug my shoulders. I don’t know what to think. I knew he was serious. I knew we were serious, but there’d been so much going on, I hadn’t given much thought to next steps. We were good, and that was enough.

From his pocket, he pulls a ring. Not just any ring—the perfect ring.

An eternity band, with brilliant round stones all the way around it. The outside of the band has dainty filigree or something, which I’m sure I could make out if I weren’t trying to see through the tears pooling in my eyes.

He slides it onto my ring finger, and making a vow I’ll never forget, says, “Forever.”

“Forever,” I reply since no more words are necessary.

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