Page 13 of Straight Dad

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Mattis:I’m in. Which Tiki?

Me:Arabel Beach Road

Mattis:Done. Are we using real names tonight or our aliases?

Me:I don’t thinkGeneralis that great of an alias.

Marshall:Whatever,Flax McCoy.

Carlson:Tonight, I’m Rico.

Marshall:You always choose Rico.

Carlson:Scandinavian man who can get a sunburn by looking at the fucking moon, and women will believe my name is Rico. It makes me laugh every time they call my name. Or scream it when I’m drilling them.

Reed:I’ll take “Things I never want to picture again” for $300, Alex.

It goes on and on. I don’t care how old we are, how successful we are, or how much we grow up, it always comes back to sex. Always.

I set the phone aside as it vibrates with continued messages and pull a meal from my fridge and throw it in the microwave. Two minutes later, chicken breast, blanched broccoli, and sweet potatoes with balsamic vinegar are ready as is the salad Mrs. Turner made when she delivered my meals.

I don’t have to picture my nephew here. This is a bachelor pad of epic proportions, and tonight, it’s getting some use.

* * *


“Sabine, seriously, we don’t need to do this.”

“Yes, we do, and we’re going to do it right.”

“God help me.”

“What was that?”

“I said, ‘I can’t wait.’”



My bestie is here from Delaware. We get together as often as we can, but she never misses spending two anniversaries with me. One that was supposed to lead to my happily ever after and the other when that imploded in spectacular fashion.

Today is the first.

The day Tommy proposed.

The day I thought the life I’d always imagined was mine for the taking.

It’s probably why I’ve been so grouchy this week as well. Because he proved what I already knew—that dream is for other people and not for me.

And we always celebrate this miserable day doing something fun or exhausting, something out of my comfort zone, something ridiculous.

“Those days at University of Delaware were some of the happiest, best memories I have. And every one of them includes you.” I lift my wineglass to her, toasting her. “Love you, sis.”

“If I had a sister, I’d want her to be you. Though, as kids, I’d probably have hated you.”

“Aw, you’re so sweet.”
