Page 150 of Straight Dad

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“Nothing. I’ll set it all up. Now… stretches or pool or yoga?”

“Yoga. I’ll grab your mat.” She bounds away and leaves me leaning on the kitchen island.

Emberleigh:Closing docs coming through to you today. And my attorney friend has gotten with yours in Florida re: the case. Do you have time today to get with them or would tomorrow be better?

I stare around my house. So many things are changing so quickly. My head spins with all the possibilities.

Me:Tomorrow works. Will you ask them if it’s smart for me to close right now or if they suggest I wait?

Emberleigh:I can do that.

Me:Thanks. More in a bit.

Livy comes back into the room, seeing me with my phone yet again, and makes a point of looking at it and at me, but says nothing.

“Kyle, do you want to go outside?” She moves to the door and walks out onto the pool deck, rolling out my mat before doing her own.

Kyle trundles from the bedroom and out the door, as I follow and move to stand beside Livy.

“Don’t push yourself. Don’t fight for the stretch. Go until you feel resistance and then back up a bit. We’re going for flow and movement, not tugging or pulling.”

“Not my first yoga rodeo.” I mimic her stance as best I can, modifying it to counter the pain that still lives in my lower back.

“I know.” She moves easily into a different pose. “But now your mind is on board with where we’re going. You’ve been used to beating your body into submission. I’m simply reminding you not to push it the way you always have.”

“Yes, Ma’am.” My words are tinged with sarcasm as we change positions yet again.

“It’s not as if I don’t have to do the same with this leg.” She points at her calf.

“We should probably get that checked out, actually. Remind me after our practice, and I’ll call a doctor friend of mine. Is that okay or did you want to go back to your surgeon? I know that’s typical protocol.”

“Your friend is fine.”

“Good. Now you’re ruining my zinnia with all this talking. Ummmmmm.”

The giggle that explodes from her warms my chest. “You are trouble but I lo— But I love that you are. I’ll stop messing with your zinnia.”

Kyle runs back from the grass and finds a shady spot behind us, sliding into a down position before rolling over onto his back and extending his back paws. His front ones might as well be T-Rex arms. His jowls fold back to expose his teeth and pink gums, and it’s not long before his breathing evens out and provides a rhythm for our movements.

We’re just finishing when a knock sounds, and Kyle flips with a start and barks at the noise.

He and I head for the door, leaving Livy to finish her session.

I pull the door open to find my sister and Looney on my doorstep. Luna and Kyle circle each other and take off, hell-bent for who knows where as I step aside and let Bright in.

“We’re outside. Come on out.”

She follows me, oddly quiet for a woman who’s never at a loss for words. Livy has already let the dogs outside. Luna is in the pool prior to me making it to the back door. Kyle has his front paws on the top step, his back ones on the deck, talking to her as she swims.

“Hope you have a good filter,” Bright comments, shaking her head. “Eau de wet dog… there are worse things, but… Morning, Livy.”

“Morning, Brighton. Would you like some tea?”

“I’m good. Just came to check on this fellow. He seems to be acclimating fine here.”

“He’s a happy dog, but there’s been a lot of changes for him in the last couple of months,” Livy offers. “I’ll be glad when he’s settled.”

“I get it. Within three to four weeks, you’ll notice a change. The multiple homes, multiple new people and dogs, all the new smells and sounds, it’ll be more familiar.” She gives a sharp whistle. “Kyle, come.”
