Page 164 of Straight Dad

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“Do you want me to handle it?” I slide my hands to the back of her thighs and tug her to me.

“It doesn’t matter to me either way.” She drops a kiss on my mouth. When she’s done, she whispers there, “He’s inconsequential. A nuisance for sure, but nothing either of us needs to worry about.” She gives me another peck. “I promise.” She releases my neck, and I let go of her legs, and she wanders back into the pool.

Something about her answer soothes the jagged edges of my mind. It wasn’t her answer. It was her honesty and her agreeing to let me handle it if I want to. She’s not withholding from me. There aren’t conversations behind my back—good or bad ones. She truly doesn’t care about him.

I recognize I’m agitated, and it’s probably over nothing—or nothing big—but everything today feels like a betrayal.

Tustin’s continued obsession.

Exton’s unplanned visit to my friend.

George’s denial of his helping me. Or scarier… his unwillingness to continue.

Livy still fielding phone calls from her ex-fiancé.

Tustin is a write-off. If he gets close, we’ll handle it. Otherwise, he’s a gnat on cocaine… annoying as fuck, but eventually will meet his own end, with or without my involvement.

But it doesn’t take much to know that none of the last three would willingly deceive me or compromise me. Still the bubbling in my gut remains. It’s the unsettled uncontrollability of so many things.

When Livy’s phone rings again, the same number lights up the screen.

“You sure?” I ask, raising the phone.

“Whatever you want to do.”

Right now, I want to tear his ass out through his throat, but I’ll go for a less violent route. I slide the phone to answer it but say nothing.


I pull the phone back and look at the device. What the fuck? Is he twelve?

“No.” It’s hard to keep the humor out of my voice.

“Who’s this?”

“The better question is who is this?” I offer.

“I was calling for Livy.”

“I know.”

“May I speak with her?”


“Tell her Tommy is calling.”

“She knows. She’s not interested.”

“And you would be?”

“The man in her life. The man in her bed. Someone who doesn’t call her what a pre-teen girlfriend would.” My eyes flick up to Livy’s and smile.

“Tell her I’ll try her later.”

“Talk to you then.” I click the button to disconnect, finally having a decent time with this. I wave the phone in the air before setting it down on the table. “That was fun. I want to do that again. He said he’d call us later.”

“Us?” Livy asks as Willa snorts.
