Page 52 of Straight Dad

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I try her when I get back to the beach house only to get that ridiculous voicemail. I don’t leave one. I’m not a client or her project. I’m her sister, and if I need to justify my call, it’s not worth the explanation.

Before I have my tea made, though, she calls me back.

“Olivia.” Tally has always been formal, but I can’t help but think of Layton switching to calling me the same when he was taking control in bed.

Focus, Livy! “Hey, Tally. How are you?”

“You called?”

“Obviously, I didn’t get to congratulate you when we spoke on Monday. So proud of you, sis. You’re crushing it.”

“Thank you. It was a hell of a lot of work. Still is.” There’s an awkward pause, but I can hear papers ruffling in the background. “Was that all?”

“I guess. And thank you for checking on me on Monday. It’s been stressful, and I appreciate it.”

“Of course.” Another pause. “Have a good day, Olivia.”


I’m great. Thanks for asking. It’s been a challenging time, but I’m happy too. Florida agrees with me. The sun, the wind, the waves. It’s a magic cocktail for me. I’m seeing great progress with some patients and getting kudos for my work. Yes, Kyle is good. The rascal still thinks I can’t tell when he eats off the counters, but I know. Yeah, I’ll probably be home in July for Mom and Dad’s fortieth anniversary. I’d love to see you. A whole day? I’d kill for that. Yes, let’s do it. Miss you too. Love you, Tally. So glad we got to catch up.

I pull my phone away from my face and stare down. Forty-nine seconds. That’s what it comes down to – less than a minute of conversation fifteen times a year.

I hit the power button and slide my phone into my purse.

I don’t want to think of the relationship I don’t have with my sister.

I don’t want to consider Gerald Tustin or his weird fixation on me. Or maybe his obsession is with Layton. That’s curious, actually. Which of us is he more interested in?

I can’t spend my energy on Layton, either. I would love to burn off all kinds of energy with that man, but right is right, and I have a contract.

I’m great at my job and I want to keep it. I may not be hitting Tally’s levels of success, but for me, I’m happy, accomplishing my dreams, and getting kudos for doing so. That’s enough.

I throw some cash and a credit card in my pocket and grab Kyle’s leash that’s still attached. “You ready for a walk, big boy?”

His ears perk, and his tail knocks into a barstool, sending it two inches farther under the island.

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

We head off to the farmers’ market and to wander the tourist shops of this little coastal beach town.

* * *

Three days later, I pack the car to head home.

It’s time to get back into routine. Time to get the laundry done, the groceries prepped, and to be ready to tackle the week.

I plug my phone into the car charger, and it lights up as it boots back to life. I expect a missed call or two. Maybe a text from Sabine, but the notifications just won’t stop. Emails. Texts. News alerts. Phone calls.

It’s Sabine’s that scares me most.


Three days ago. Oh my gosh. What happened?


“Hey, love. What’s up? I’ve been—”
