Page 93 of Straight Dad

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We were sorry to hear about your accident. Wishing you a speedy recovery and would welcome you to our team when you’re ready to take the field again.


Tingle, Schmidt and Associates

It doesn’t take opening the next message to know the difference in the quality of my agent versus that fucker. It’s to Emberleigh from George, copying me, and has an entire thread.

Dear Emberleigh,

I’m so glad to hear that Layton is doing well at home in Texas. I have your/his instructions and will connect with team management in the morning regarding his contract, IR, and any next steps regarding his recovery.

I felt like a sell-out calling Kimpton, but I have too much love and respect for Layton not to do for him what I would for a biological brother if I had one. I hate the idea of not catching up with him on any given drive home from practice, but am thankful he’s surrounded by family who will fight for him even if that’s with him.

Has any decision been made on Excel? I’ve been able to push them off and will continue to until Layton determines the best course for his future with them. In the meantime, they’ve been pleased with the referral of Livy Morgan and that’s gone a long way in smoothing over their frustrations.

Please give the Ranger clan my best and tell Layton I’m here anytime he needs. I’ve sent a package or two his way, but never received confirmation of receipt. One day I’ll give him shit for that.

What’s next on our list to make this time as easy as possible for him?



Taking a risk on George when we were both young and inexperienced was one of the better decisions I’ve made in my life. Not once in his message to Emberleigh did he discuss money, terms, or potential impact to him.

Livy Morgan. How will I ever escape her?

She is inextricably linked to me in a way few can understand. And even fewer should understand.

Since I’m not sleeping anyway and my best friend has worn off, I’m courting pain.

I open the text messages app and scroll to her name. They’re almost at the bottom since there’s been only three attempt since I left the hospital.

Morgan, Olivia:I’m going to come to the hospital tomorrow. I’ll admit I’m nervous. You haven’t returned a text yet.

Morgan, Olivia:I’m not blaming you. That came out wrong. Delete that and pretend I didn’t accuse you of not thinking of me with all that’s going on.

Morgan, Olivia:Your dad is as formidable as you. I’m glad you have him to advocate for you. With what I’ve seen in these situations, it’ll be the best thing you could do.

Morgan, Olivia:Not work related, but how are you? I’m hearing things around the office. I’m sure you’ll hate hearing that, but I want the truth from the source, not the tea from around the locker room.

Morgan, Olivia:Is there a good time today to come by?

Morgan, Olivia:I’m beginning to think your dad’s frustration at the team translates to me too.

Morgan, Olivia:I’m supposed to develop a plan for you. If you don’t want one, I understand. My assumption is you’d want to be involved in it so you know next steps and have control of outcomes.

Morgan, Olivia:You know those girls who come off desperate. That’s what I feel like. So many unanswered messages. I’m your therapist and am trying to do the right thing by you and the team.

Morgan, Olivia:I heard you were discharged. I’m happy you’re able to head home. That’s a good sign and one that says your body is healing. You know I’m here when you need me.

Morgan, Olivia:It’s the middle of the night. I can’t sleep because I wonder if you blame me. If I hadn’t been at Dr. Silverberg’s place and … I can’t finish that thought. Please don’t hate me.

Morgan, Olivia:Be well, Layton. I have nothing but the utmost respect for you. I wish you healing and happiness and wherever you place your feet, love and light and laughter.

And then four months of nothing

Me:I don’t blame you. I’m sorry you thought that. I wish I’d seen your messages sooner, so you didn’t spend months wondering if I thought that.
