Page 18 of Make Me Queen

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The world was a better place without Carnage.

Just like it would be a better place without the Demon.

I looked up at Cain, and he was watching me, with something careful in his gaze. There was always a little psychopathic edge to Cain's gaze, though strangers didn't seem to see it until it was too late. He was always assessing. Analyzing. Adjusting how he responded to maximize his effect.

But when he looked at me, his gaze softened. It was real.

His lips met mine in a hot, passionate kiss. His hands slid along my body, removing the blood soaked clothes. He bent and kissed my throat, his teeth nipping my skin hard enough to hurt, and I rocked hungrily against him.

Heat licked between my thighs. Cain's hands were rough as they roamed over my skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. I reveled in his touch, craving more of him with each passing moment.

As our kisses grew more feverish, Cain's hands found their way to my breasts, caressing them with a roughness that sent shivers down my spine. For a moment, I forgot about all the shadows. All that mattered was Cain's touch, the way he squeezed my breast, his palm hot against my nipple, as his mouth captured mine. He kissed me until I could barely breathe, could barely think.

It was perfect.

I wrapped my legs around him, pulling him closer.

He growled, his hands gripping my waist tightly as he lifted me up and pressed me against the wall. His lips were on mine again, his teeth biting down on my lower lip, hard enough to sting. I kissed him back with a bite, too, nipping at his lower lip. Then I tried to push him away, though Cain was a stone wall and didn't move an inch. He gathered both my wrists in one of his big hands and pinned them to the wall above me. Then he resumed kissing me hard, his tongue thrusting against mine, his kisses demanding every ounce of my attention. I couldn't think. My mind was almost blank, save for Cain, and his mouth, and his hands, and the way his body pressed against mine.

I was floating, barely grounded in reality, except for his muscular body pressed against me, holding me to the wall. I felt trapped and cherished, and I didn't want it to stop.

Cain's breath was hot against my skin as he kissed my neck. He wasn't deterred at all by seeing me at my most monstrous.

If anything, watching me kill a man in cold-blood had made Cain hard for me.

And I wasn't going to waste that erection. It would be a crime. Two very-deserving murder victims had died for that erection.

"Cain," I murmured.

He nipped my throat with his teeth, then straightened as my back arched at the bite. He stared down at my nipples as they thrust against his tattooed pecs as if he wanted to move his mouth there, but he paused. "Aurora?"

"I want you to fuck me."

"Oh, you do? I couldn't guess when you dropped your panties and rubbed yourself against my cock."

His sarcasm didn't piss me off at the moment, because after he finished, he dropped his head and took my nipple into his mouth. My hips bucked against him as the sensation seemed to flow like electricity straight to my aching core.

But when he paused, licking a line up my clavicle, I remembered what he'd said. I accused, "Asshole."

"Sure, we can do that if you want," he said, his hands slipping down my thighs to change his grip as he lowered me to the ground.

Before I could respond, he had spun me around and pressed me against the wall. My cheek and palms met the cool wall. One of his hands hooked my hip, and the other rubbed the tip of his cock against the curve of my ass.

"What do you say, Aurora?" His breath was warm just under my ear. "Do you want me to fuck this pretty little asshole tonight?"

His cock rubbed another circle between my cheeks, and I bit my lower lip.

"Yes," I whispered.

Cain gripped his cock in one hand and pressed his tip against my clit. He rubbed himself against my clit until I was desperate for more, pressing back against him.

"God, you're so wet," he said. "I wish you could see how wet you are for me. How pretty your pussy looks." He teased his thumb against my ass, and I jumped at first before my body settled into the tempo of his fingers there. "How inviting your asshole looks."

The combination of sensation on my clit and against my asshole had my body igniting. I moaned as Cain's pace increased, my hips rocking back toward him. I wanted him inside me.

"Please..." I didn't know if I was begging him to fuck me or to stop teasing me.

"Please what?" One of his hands withdrew from my hips and he gripped my hair, pulling tight. "What do you want?"
