Page 4 of Front Runner

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“Thanks?” He shrugged. “Me and RJ aren’t serious like that.”

“She’s okay with you offering her to your friends and hooking up with whatever lady catches your interest at the party?”

“Nah, man. We’re just training buddies. For real. Vibe’s not right for a hookup. She’s all yours.”

Relief joined the embarrassment flooding me, and I quickened my pace as if I could outrun the frustrating reaction. It didn’t matter who Mac was hooking up with. The game mattered.

“You know my policy.” It wasn’t an answer, and his snort said he didn’t buy my attempt to side-step. “I’m just concerned for the horde of women waiting on you at Kappa House.”

“The ladiesdodemand my attention.”

We left the facility and headed to my car in the warm night. “Team meeting at eight a.m. tomorrow. You sure you want to party?”

“Hell yes. There’s a new batch of freshmen who haven’t seen the glory of my physique.”

“If you flash your abs at me, I swear I will drop you off at Whataburger instead of Kappa House.”

Mac laughed and released the grip he had on his shirt. “Don’t play, man. You know I’m addicted to that gravy.”

“Better you eat gravy than some girl who’ll make you late to the meeting.” I climbed behind the wheel and waited for Mac to adjust the seat all the way back. He was all leg too.

“Why not both?” He secured his seatbelt then immediately started messing with my radio. “And I won’t be late. Coach would give me that disappointed look I hate.”

I shook my head and started the short drive to the “posh” part of our little town. Mostly frat houses now. “At least he won’t make you stay for dead practice.”

Mac shuddered, and I knew the feeling. Our last coach had believed in beating us into submission. When he wasn’t happy with our effort, or someone pissed him off, he’d demand a “voluntary” practice run by the captains with nothing but conditioning, usually in the heat. We called them dead practices because it was a miracle we didn’t die.

He’d also apparently been a complete megalomaniac that would do anything to win, including cross a few lines to harass students. I’d helped Soren get him fired last year right before the championship, which we’d lost. Soren and D left for the pros, and the school hired Coach Gordon.

I relaxed my clenched jaw as we turned into the neighborhood of big houses. Coach Gordon was different from every other coach I’d had in that he didn’t get aggressive with us. He treated us like colleagues, demanding we give our best for ourselves instead of for anyone else. The system was strange at first, but after working with him all summer and seeing the positive change he brought, I was starting to believe. Not that I had a choice if I wanted to play at TU.

The school had been very clear that I wouldn’t get another chance if I fucked up—follow the rules, win games, stay out of trouble. Neither Soren nor I regretted what we’d done, but the team didn’t deserve to pay for it. I took full responsibility for my actions last year, and I planned to make it up to everyone by winning them a championship—even if it meant babysitting my teammates at a party.

The street with all the frat houses was packed with cars, as usual on a party night. I parked between a lifted truck and a beater, then turned to Mac. “We could just go home and get a good night’s sleep.”

Mac laughed. “No thanks, Mom. Have you considered actually coming to the party with me instead of standing in the corner with a scowl on your face? You need to relax. Let go. Have some fun.”

Parties weren’t my kind of fun at the best of times, but it was hard explaining that to Mac, who thrived on attention. “I’ll let go when we win the championship.”

“Sure you will,” he muttered.

“Besides, the scowl keeps the ladies away. More for you.”

Mac rubbed his chin, then nodded decisively. “I’m on board with this plan. Let’s go.”

He unfolded himself from the car, and I followed with a silent groan. We made it less than a block before a group of four girls in cut-off shorts and bikini tops joined us. Mac flirted shamelessly, but I ignored the sultry smiles aimed in my direction and slowed my pace.

They didn’t give me a second glance with Mac ready and willing. I hadn’t been kidding about the scowl, just like Mac hadn’t been kidding about my position in the corner. A lot of the guys liked these parties, and Mac always managed to corral them to one place. It made my job easier, but I’d have preferred if they stayed home.

Even I wasn’t stupid enough to think a bunch of college guys would choose sleep over girls though.

Ahead of me, Mac had each arm around a scantily clad body. I wasn’t against sex. Hell, I enjoyed the fame that came with being on an elite college football team, but my hook-ups were one night with no repeats. And I never picked up a girl at a party. Too much drama.

The girls left us when we reached the sidewalk in front of Kappa House, probably headed for the pool, and Mac nudged my shoulder.

“The redhead kept looking back at you.”

I’d seen her, but the short, curvy body did nothing for me. Maybe if she was taller. And blonde. And nowhere near this party.
