Page 93 of Front Runner

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“No. Go back inside, put on something warm, change your sheets, and get some sleep.”

Chloe wrapped her arms around herself, shifting her weight from foot to foot, finally gracing me with the wicked smile I expected. “Always a pleasure watching you manhandle another guy.”

“Chloe,” I growled, now completely sure she remembered the night with the hockey asshole.

I may have given him a helping hand out of his car when I spotted him in the parking lot with another girl. Not my fault he tripped and fell face first onto the asphalt with his pants around his ankles.

Chloe patted my chest. “If you ever need help in the bedroom department, give me a call.”

My dick went from half-hard to rock solid in the span of a breath. Thank god the dark parking lot didn’t reveal a lot of details.

“Not interested,” I lied.

“You made that very clear when you turned me down the first time. In this case, I meant if you ever need help removing a lady from your bed, I’m your girl.”

I grunted, forcing myself to climb into my truck instead of leaving her unwanted visitor here and taking his place. “Get inside before you freeze.”

She gave me a finger wave and hurried back to her apartment. Alone. I’d give my left nut to be the one keeping her warm, but a relationship between me and Chloe would never work. She wanted a temporary fun time, and I wasn’t built that way.

I suffered in silence because I wouldn’t disrespect D’s sister by treating her like a disposable party favor. I wouldn’t treat any woman that way, but especially not Chloe. D was closer to me than my family, and he’d trusted me with his sister.

Chloe was off limits, and I’d kick the ass of anyone who touched her.

* * *
