Page 16 of Hard Hitter

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Nothing said Ihadto be alone.

I pulled up Chloe’s contact info and stared down at her smiling face. When she’d first moved in, she’d stolen my phone and snapped a picture of herself, shifting her gaze to meet my eyes at the last second.

She’d captured the look she saved just for me—the one that broke down my defenses and activated the stupid part of my brain. I’d never admit how many times I pulled up the picture when I lay alone in bed at night.

Before I could talk myself out of it, I wrote a quick text inviting her to lunch and hit send. She probably had plans with Eva, but at least I’d tried.


Eva declared we needed Mexican food to pregame for the margaritas I hadn’t been aware we were having later. Blue and I followed along because arguing with Eva was pointless.

Eva’s favorite restaurant sat us right away, and I’d just shoved a huge chip in my mouth when my phone beeped. After the video fiasco, I’d set my notifications to close friends only, so I wouldn’t be pestered by randos sending me dick pics in the middle of the night.

Probably D with even more life advice I planned to disregard, but I couldn’t ignore the message. He’d keep sending them until I responded. I blamed Mac for that particularly annoying personality trait.

I dug through my bag until I found my phone. One new text message.

From Noah.

The chip bits lodged in my throat, and I knocked over my water as I flailed for it. Blue tilted her head at me with a concerned look, but Eva only sighed and pushed her water cup closer before mopping up the mess with her napkin.

I chugged until I could breathe normally again, then pulled up the message.

Lunch at Johnny’s. Pizza’s on me if you come keep me company.

Girl code dictated I should tell him I already had plans, but I wasn’t going to do that because Noah had never reached out to me before. Also because I sucked at being a friend. Something told me he needed me more than I needed to know how Blue’s mom had ended up dating the hot hockey coach.

I cleared my throat, just to be sure there wouldn’t be a repeat near death experience. “I have to go.”

Eva raised a brow. “Important booty call?”

God, I wished. “No. Noah wants me to meet him for lunch so we can discuss the alumni dinner.”

Blue’s face cleared. “Ah, the football player who needs arm candy.”

Eva smiled at my blush. “Need me to give you a ride?”

I shook my head, gathering my bag and coat. “Nah, I’ll get an Uber. You guys enjoy your lunch. Blue, it was so nice to meet you, and I can’t wait to hang out with you for real.”

She nodded. “I’d like that.”

Eva patted her arm. “No going back now.”

We exchanged numbers, then I pulled up the Uber app while I zig-zagged through the tables on the way out. I didn’t realize Eva was behind me until she poked me in the arm.

“Gah.” I bobbled my phone and almost dropped it onto the concrete.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” She didn’t look sorry. Her lips pressed together as she fought to hold in a laugh.

“I’m buying you a collar with a bell,” I muttered.

“Kinky.” Eva scanned the empty street in front of the restaurant.

“Did you need something or were you just trying to make sure I wasreallyawake?”

Her eyes flicked toward me then back to the road. “Noah is a good guy.”

I waited, but she didn’t continue. “I know…”
