Page 62 of Hard Hitter

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She wasn’t wearing a bra, and I desperately wanted to know if she’d chosen panties to match. Knowing Chloe, she was one hundred percent naked for me under there.

“Well?” she asked.

“Dinner.” I cleared the huskiness from my voice and tried again. “Dinner at San Miguels, then a surprise in the woods.”

Her eyes lit up. “I love San Miguels. I’m not as excited for anything in the woods, but if the surprise involves your dick I’m all in.”

Suddenly, standing in the woods with Chloe on her knees in front of me, my fingers in her hair and my cock down her throat, was the number one fantasy on my list. The little known miniature golf course I’d intended to take her to paled in comparison.

As if she knew I was rapidly rearranging my plans for the evening, she waltzed past me and out the door. “Come on, big guy. I’m starving.”

Me too, but food was the last thing on my mind.

I managed to make it to the restaurant without pulling over to feast on her instead, and we finished an entire meal without me slipping my hands under her dress at the table. By the time Chloe ordered dessert and I’d paid, we’d talked enough I was confident I could make it through mini golf without finding a secluded tree to fuck her against.

After all the fuss, I couldn’t remember why I’d insisted we needed to go on a date. Being in public with her didn’t prove anything about her feelings for me, and I’d spent the entire time telling my dick to stand down while wishing we’d stayed home.

Not that I wasn’t enjoying myself. Chloe told me about the job offer from Harper, and I couldn’t be happier for her. The opportunity sounded perfect, but she still had shadows of doubt in her eyes.

If she couldn’t see how good she’d be as Harper’s assistant, I’d help her. “Why are you hesitating?”

Chloe pressed her lips together for a second and stared over my shoulder. “I’m going to fuck it up.” I laughed, and her offended gaze darted back to me. “What the hell, Noah.”

“So what if you do? It’s a new job, and no one is perfect right from the beginning. Harper knows that. I’ve seen you reorganize our fridge for maximum efficiency, and Iknowyou already started a spreadsheet of pros and cons.”

A blush crept up her cheeks. “Your fridge was a disaster of rotting leftovers, and anyone who’s not an idiot would make a list before accepting a job in a field they haven’t worked in before.”

I made a noise of assent, and Chloe’s eyes narrowed. “What?”

“Is your spreadsheet color coded with references?”

A smile tilted the edges of her lips up. “Yes.”

“Chloe, I think you’re going to be fantastic, but even if you aren’t, you learn from your mistakes and move on. You can’t go into it expecting to fail. You have to try.”

She looked down at her hands, clasped on the table, and I didn’t understand the flash of guilt. When she met my gaze again, her usual confidence had returned.

“Thanks, Noah,” she said softly as the server dropped off a slice of cheesecake covered in strawberry sauce.

“Anytime, Trouble.”

I meant it. I’d spend the rest of my life building her up if she let me. As a bonus, for a few hours, I was able to put all the bullshit between Craig and my dad out of my mind. I should have known better than to think it would last.

Chloe licked cheesecake off her spoon and studied me. “What’s wrong?”

My shoulders tensed, but I tried to play it off anyway. “Nothing.”

She shook her head. “Nope. Not doing that. We’re on a real date, and I’m pretty sure people in a situationship are supposed to share the things bothering them. You’ve been supportive and amazing while I talked, now it’s my turn. Give me the chance to be supportive and amazing too, Noah.”

Chloe stared up at me, beautiful and demanding, and I couldn’t deny her. I never could.

“Craig wants to show me off tonight at a conference he’s attending in Dallas, and I got a letter from my dad. He’s out of prison. Sounds like he has been for a while.”

Her brows shot up, and she grabbed my hand. “Tell me everything.”

I found myself blurting out the details of the letter and Craig’s disinterest until I became useful. My dad’s phone calls and the weirdness with him “finding” me.

Chloe’s nose wrinkled, and she made a noise of disgust.
