Page 8 of Hard Hitter

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Eva tapped her fingers against my shoulder. “I’m simply saving you the trouble of auditions. Clearly you two get along or you wouldn’t be having coffee together in a secluded corner while Mac waits at the facility for you to bring him coffee.”

I gave her the side eye. “How do you know Mac is waiting for me?”

She patted the pocket on the side of her leggings. “He’s texted me four times since I told him where I was going for coffee asking me to remind you he wants hazelnut, not vanilla.” On cue, her leg vibrated again. “Five times.”

“Mac doesn’t need any more caffeine,” I said.

“True, but it makes him happy.” She shrugged. “This one’s on you. I have class in a minute.”

I huffed, fully prepared to abandon film time in favor of finishing my conversation with Chloe, but my own phone chimed an incoming message. Mac could be a menace.

Eva raised a brow at me. “You know he won’t stop until you answer him.”

“Or until I smother him in his sleep.”

Chloe let out a quiet laugh that tripped over my nerve endings. As much as I didn’t like feeling manipulated, Eva’s idea wasn’t bad. Chloe would be a better choice than anyone I picked. I couldn’t seem to stop searching her out, so I might as well lean into this new circle of hell.

If nothing else, I’d give Chloe a chance to see her brother and Nadia.

D was insanely busy with his team, and he’d told the group chat he wouldn’t have time to hang out this trip except for during the dinner. Purely business, which I’d guess didn’t include Chloe.

My phone made another noise, and Eva stood so I could wrestle it out of my pocket. She offered me a sad smile as I sent Mac a text telling him I was on my way.

“You’re so whipped.”

“I think what you mean to say is I’m a good friend. He’ll get his hazelnut coffee, and you’ll get your preferred tablemate.”

She perked up, turning to Chloe. “Dress shopping this weekend. RJ is free on Sunday.”

Chloe met my gaze with raised brows. “I don’t believe I was asked.”

My lips twitched. “Need me to get down on my knees?”

Color flushed her cheeks, further proof that she remembered the night with the hockey asshole. She’d nearly smacked me in the face while declaring herself off limits for all time unless I got on my knees and begged. Drunk Chloe was a full-body experience.

She tossed her hair over her shoulder, a dare in her eyes. “Now that you mention it, yes.”

Eva let out a low whistle and took several steps back while digging out her phone. “Hold on, I want to film this. For posterity. And blackmail.”

My skin itched as several people at the closest table turned to see what drama Eva was stirring up. The whole situation was getting out of control, but Chloe propped her chin on her hand, waiting for me to give up and walk away.

Fuck that. She wanted a show? I’d give her one.

I extricated my legs from the table and turned her chair to face the tiny bit of space in the walkway before dropping to my knees in front of her. Cold from the concrete floor seeped into my jeans, a stark reminder of our very public location, but when I focused on Chloe’s face—on the sharp need she quickly hid behind a smirk—the rest of the room faded away.

Her lips parted as I palmed her knees and eased them open, wide enough to fit my hips between them. My thumbs stroked the inside of her thighs as I slid my hands higher, wishing it was summer and she’d worn a skirt instead of leggings.

Chloe’s breath caught, an almost inaudible hitch. The lizard part of my brain insisted we stake a claim. Now. While we had the chance. My fingers tightened on her legs, holding on for dear life instead of plunging into all that glorious hair and taking what was mine.

Her eyes widened as she leaned forward, just a little. The moment stretched, and she sighed my name. A question and a plea. I knew she’d go along with whatever I did to her, but I didn’t want to be another regret in her life.

With some effort, I clawed back control, though I couldn’t make myself move away. “Come with me to the alumni dinner,” I murmured.

She pressed her lips together and nodded.

Someone to the side of us hooted, and I winced. Chloe blinked a couple of times, clearing the daze from her eyes. I hadn’t meant to take the challenge this far, but it was too late to go back. With the spell broken, I stood and backed away.

Chloe’s chest rose and fell with uneven breaths, but she crossed her legs and tilted her head in concession. “That’ll do.”
