Page 41 of Albert

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“I was and always will be seen as the daughter of a club whore. That’s why you don’t give a shit about me or Ollie.”

“Why do I feel like there’s more you’re not saying?” he snaps. “You wanna get it all off your chest, Rosey?”

I spin back to him. “Maybe I should, Mav. Maybe we should go over the night you abandoned me and left me to fight off your other half-brother.”

“Crow is in the past. We put him in the ground for that shit,” he yells.

“Iput him in the ground,” I scream, shoving him hard. He doesn’t budge. “Becauseyoudidn’t care enough to do it.”

“I didn’t know half the shit that went on that night, Rosey. You know that. Fuck, I didn’t even know Ollie existed up until a few years ago when you just showed up right before floating back into the club like a fucking stain.”

“If you didn’t want me to stick around, you could have said.”

“Right, cos you listen to everything I say,” he snaps, arching a brow. “You know, I put up with so much fucking shit from you, Rosey, and you’re still under my roof, living and breathing. You disrupt my club on a daily, you encourage the ol’ ladies to go against my rules . . . shit, you even killed two members. You back chat, you piss off the Taylor's, you’re never around to take care of Ollie the way you should.” Those final words hurt the most. I take a few steps away from him, and he sighs. “We need to sleep on this and talk properly tomorrow. We’re too angry to speak rationally right now.”

I smirk. “Fuck you, Mav. You said it all perfectly.”

Chapter Eleven


I tap lightly on the door. I don’t know if I’m hoping she won’t hear so I can walk away, or if all my energy is gone and I’m just too damn tired to make a noise. When Mum opens the door, she takes one look at me and opens it wider, allowing me to step inside.

Her flat isn’t big. There’s a small passage with a kitchen off to one side, a bedroom and bathroom to the other, and the living room at the end. It’s clean and tidy, which surprises me seeing as she never used to care about things like that. I take a seat on the couch, and Mum pauses a television show she was watching. “Drink?” she asks, and I nod. “I don’t have anything with alcohol in,” she admits. “The temptation is too much. But I have tea and coffee.”

“Coffee,” I mutter, and she disappears into the kitchen to make it.

I look around the room at the old-fashioned flower pictures on the wall. There’s no photographs like in normal family homes. I doubt she even owns one picture of me as a kid. When she returns, she sits in an armchair and sips her own drink. “So, what’s wrong?”

I shrug. “I had an argument with Maverick, and I have nowhere to go. I left my bank card at the clubhouse and I don’t wanna go back there right now.”

“Have you spoken to Ollie?”

“Yep. Tell me, how the hell did you bump into a kid you haven’t seen in years?”

“I know a few of his friends. They said his name, and I just had an instinct. We got chatting and it confirmed my suspicions.”

“What friends?”I don’t even know his friends.

“Kids off the estate.” She shrugs. “They’re not bad kids really, they just need some love and stability.”

I scoff. “Listen to you, mum of the year.”

“If you’ve come for a fight, I’m in no mood, Rosey.”

I shake my head. I’m in no place to argue right now either. “Can I take the couch? Just one night.”

“Will you let me see Ollie again?”

I ponder her words before nodding. He wants to see her, and if I deny him, he’ll make it a mission. “But we’ll arrange it properly. No more street meets without me there.”

I hear the front door banging and sit up. The room is dark, I must have fallen asleep before Mum left me to go to bed. Stretching, I hear Mum rushing to open the door.

“What the fuck, Con? I’ve been out here for five minutes,” says a man’s voice.

“Keep it down. I’ve got Rosey in there sleeping,” she hisses back.

“I’m awake,” I call out, checking my phone to see missed calls from Maverick and Albert. It’s almost seven in the morning. Mum comes in and opens the curtains.
