Page 119 of Mafie Kings

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“Oh, she still is,” he says, not missing a beat. “I just take care of what's mine. And if she needs our help, we’re going to give it to her.”

Chapter 49

I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t angry or exhausted. Years of searching only led me to dead end after dead end. I almost had her six years ago, but then she slipped through my fingers before I could get to her. I won’t be making that mistake again.

Sitting at my desk, looking out over the large city, I lean back and rub my eyes. It’s the middle of the night, but it feels like the day has already started for me. Meetings fill my schedule, and I know I need to prepare for them, but I can’t stop thinking of her.

“Sir,” my secretary asks as she opens the door. “I think you need to see this.”

She places a file on my desk, and the moment I open it my veins run cold. She’s right there in front of me. She’s older. Her hair is colored a light silver, but her eyes are what I remember clearly, and they haven’t changed a bit.

“Where is she?” I ask whilst I flip through the pages. Picture after picture of her training, running, fighting. My face heats when I find a common theme in these pictures, she’s always with one or more of the same three men. My fists clench when I see pictures of her kissing them, of them holding her.

“Get a team ready, send them now. Fuel the jet. I want to be right behind them.”

She nods her head, rushing through the door to do as I ask, knowing I don’t like to be kept waiting.

I look over all the pictures again, trying to maintain my composure. I know that island and I know those men. And I know exactly how I’m going to get her this time.

Chapter 50

I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t ruin them. I was right there, I had him. Then, flashes of every time he protected me raced through my mind. Every time he was just around the corner watching out for me. Every time he held me. I stopped, watching him backtrack my sleeper virus and lock me out completely. The files were nowhere to be found after that, and knowing how smart he is, he probably put them all on a hard drive to keep them safe. The accounts were locked, and while that might help create temporary chaos for them, it wouldn’t hurt them.

How am I going to tell them about all of this? I'm the reason Alexi’s men died. I’m the reason Damien had to take more shit from his father and lost his mentor. Now, I’m the reason that Lev has to work to rebuild their entire online presence.

I was truly afraid that he would slip back into his walled-off self when I went to him.

I didn’t know what to do when I got up from my seat in the back room of the library, I just went right to him without even thinking. I needed to tell him I was sorry, even if he didn’t know why yet.

They may never forgive me, much less help me, but I can’t keep living this lie. Seeing Alexi had dyed his hair after losing our stupid little bet on who could consume more steak, I’m even more convinced I need to tell them the truth. If Alexi Milkhaus is going to come around to the idea of me being in their lives, as well as let me learn to ride on his one-of-a-kind bike, then the world must be coming to an end.

The meeting with the Mafie Society is in just one short hour, and I’m starting to get nervous. There is an arena set up for the challenge in the center of the island. Usually, it’s used to host the trials at the end of the year, where we all show off our skills before we graduate with a seal—a small tattoo of approval that says we are all bound under the same code.

The arena is large. Black-out boxes sit at the top, concealing the society member's identities as they observe us. The rest of the area is open seating with enough seats that all instructors and students can fit comfortably. Since Bryce was deemed guilty by The Society, he’s not allowed to use any weapons, but I’ll be allowed to have my blades.

I’m not sure yet if I plan to use them. I want to watch the life drain from his eyes with my hands around his throat. Bleeding out is too easy a death for him, it’s too fast. I want to bring him to the brink of passing out under my hands, just to let him have a breath, and then do it again, until he is begging for it all to end.

The murder rule is void during a challenge, and I plan to make him suffer before ending his worthless life. Lev told me he did some digging into Bryce’s life, it turns out I’m not the first one he’s done this to, and his other victims weren’t nearly as lucky as I was. Lev calls me his Lucky Charm, but I’m beginning to think he and Damien are mine. Maybe even Alexi too.

A soft knock sounds at my door. “Come in.”

I’m slightly surprised to see it’s Alexi, but also not. He’s around more often lately, watching movies with us this week or joining us in the gym. I don’t know if I fully trust him yet, but he also has no reason to trust me. Especially because I’ve been lying to them all since day one.

“How are you doing, Princess?” He walks to my bed and sits down on the very edge, looking like he’s afraid I’m about to kick him out.

I breathe out a long breath. “I’m just ready for it to be over, honestly.” He nods in understanding. “Can I ask you something?”

“Always.” He looks me in the eye, scooting back on the bed to get comfortable.

“Are you close with your father?” I need to know before I come out and tell them everything.

He leans back, propping himself up on his elbow. The position makes his biceps bulge in his black tank top and I can’t help but stare. The black sweats he’s wearing along with his black hair really suits him. It’s distracting, and I find myself wanting to reach for it and tug it between my fingers.

Focus E, get your shit together. It’s just hair.

“Not anymore. When my mother died, he shut himself off. I don’t think he ever processed what happened.”

“Do you care about him?” I ask carefully.
