Page 121 of Mafie Kings

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“Warn me about what?” I ask impatiently. Damien crowds behind me and Alexi squeezes to my side. There isn’t much room between the couch and the wall except for one person to walk through, and the three of us here feels like way too much. “Back the fuck up. I’ve got this.” I bark again.

Alexi takes a slight step back so our shoulders are no longer scrunched together, but Damien doesn’t move. I turn around and shove him, pushing him over the couch so he falls on his ass. His shock is adorable, but I want to hear what Nessa has to say, and she’s not going to be able to do anything with these idiots in her face.

“What the fuck?” Damien says, sounding annoyed but also half turned on with the husky tone he uses.

“Look at her, Damien.” I gesture to Nessa, who is backed up against the wall like a scared puppy. “She’s clearly not here to hurt us. Sit your ass down and let her talk. When I say I’ve got it, I’ve fucking got it.”

He doesn’t like it, but he takes a seat. As much as I love them protecting me, I need them to know I’m fully capable of doing it on my own too.

Alexi is already walking around the couch, and I hold back a smile seeing him read my moods. If he hadn't been walking, I think he knew I would have pushed him too. I move all thoughts of what just happened between us to the side of my mind, knowing I won’t be able to focus if I keep thinking about how Alexi’s tongue tasted. Or how good it felt to grind down on him while his rough hands controlled my hips so forcefully I almost hope that I bruise.

He takes a seat while I shove Nessa into a chair and sit on the couch with the two of them.

“What did you feel the need to warn me about?” I already feel a headache coming on.

Nessa looks between the guys first, then at me. She’s scared, and it’s making me anxious. “There is a plan to ambush you today,” she starts, her hands start squeezing and pulling on her fingers with nervous energy. “Bryce and Natalya have a sort of following. With him being on trial and Natalya disappearing, everyone is pissed. They don’t believe what happened, and they think Evie made it all up just to get your attention.” She gestures to the guys.

Lev walks into the suite then, his brow pinching as he sees Nessa sitting there. He puts down his gym bag and starts to walk towards her. “Why are you here?” he asks threateningly.

“Nope,” I say, “not doing this again. Come here,” I tell him. He takes a moment to consider me while side-eying Nessa.

Instead of waiting for him to listen, I get up and grab his arm and push him in his seat before sitting in his lap, hoping that will get him to stay put. “She’s here to tell us something,” I say, taking his hand in mine. I look at Nessa to continue after he nods and squeezes my hand in his.

“When Natalya went missing, people started talking. They have a plan. I don’t know who all is involved. They asked me and my suitemates to join. We said no, obviously.” She shakes her head. “I told them what you did, my suitemates.” She looks down before sitting up and squaring her shoulders. “We want to help, if it’s needed.”

I try to process everything she just said. On the one hand, I can see where everyone’s coming from. I’ve seen my uncle's organization manipulate governments, changing the way an entire country thinks based on these same tactics.

What I can’t wrap my mind around, is how people as simple-minded and stupid as Natalya and Bryce created this whole mindset in only a few months. Bryce and Natalya both insinuated someone else was involved, but who? This could also be a trap, but I feel inclined to believe Nessa. I gave her a second chance for this very reason. Maybe it’s paying off.

Suddenly, the door to the suite flies open and Laney comes running in. “Evie. They’re planning an ambush! They…” She looks around the room. “You know?”

“Nessa just told us,” I confirm, going to my friend to hug her. “Thanks for coming.”

“What’s the plan?” she asks, squeezing me to her.

I think for a moment as we all get comfortable. “I’ll take your help,” I nod to Nessa. I think I have an idea. “How quickly can your suitemates get here?”

Nessa pulls out her phone. “They’re waiting to hear from me. Less than five minutes.”

“Good, here’s what we’re going to do.”

Chapter 51

The arena is set up similarly to an American football stadium. There are over three hundred students, and two hundred staff coming to fill the seats for today's trial. Five hundred people total, not including The Society members, who sit in their blackout boxes at the top.

The boxes are bulletproof and fireproof, making it the safest place to be. Typically, the Kings would get a box for a trial, but we declined today, choosing instead to sit on the sidelines near Evie.

On one side of the arena is a rack of weapons. Evie will begin on that side, getting to choose how the duel will begin. Bryce will be escorted in by two armed guards; the only door to the field will be locked behind him.

The Mafie Society has strict rules about how to treat women and children, and while we have not all sworn the oath that we are required to swear upon graduation, he will be ruled an Oathbreaker. The island has very few rules, but we all operate under the ten commandments of the original mafia while we are here.

Your loyalty and life will always remain faithful to the mafia

Never touch another’s wife or raise a hand to your own

You must always be available for the mafia

Do not frequent bars or pubs
