Page 138 of Mafie Kings

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“Wait,” Lev calls as Alexi slides the glass door open, “why is your father here?”

He shakes his head in response. “I’ll get things moving so we can work next door. There’s a small suite with two beds at the end of the hall we can use to rest. I’ll have some fresh clothes brought to us so we can shower and change. As soon as I have those things moving, I’ll go talk to my father.”

He leaves the room and the adrenaline rush from getting to see her alive fades. All that’s left in its wake is the feeling of hurt and betrayal. I may not have wanted her to die, but I’m nowhere near forgiving or forgetting what she did.

My skin begins to crawl as I think about every time we were together, every opportunity she had to tell the truth. She didn’t deserve to die, but maybe she did deserve this.

“D?” Lev says, looking at me like he knows where my thoughts are going.

“Don’t,” I say, pushing up out of the chair.

I’ve never once turned my back on pain, but this sort of pain feels different and I can’t find it in me to let it go.

Chapter 60

My eyes feel like they’re being held down by bricks and everything hurts. It takes me a minute to realize where I am, but after that, I can’t piece together what happened.

Panic starts to set in as flashes come back to me when alarms start going off in the background. I’m able to just crack my eyes open as a short blonde lady in blue scrubs comes running to my side. I’ve never once woken up in here without one of the guys at my side, and my chest aches with a whole new pain when I notice I’m alone.

“Calm down, dear. You're alright.” She grabs my shoulders when I try to move, triggering the panic even more. “We don't want you to pull your stitches. You've had major surgery.”

She lets go, somehow able to see that I need space to process. My head feels so full of pressure and nausea overwhelms me. I breathe in through my nose, trying to get a handle on my emotions. Panic won’t help me get away. I need to get out of here. All I can remember is those men coming to get me. I need to run far and hide.

“Are you in any pain?” she asks, trying to kneel at my side.

My breathing is coming in quick spurts, and all I can get out is “He.. He found… me! I… I need to.. run…” The alarms are still going off and monitors are flashing numbers I can’t quite seem to focus on.

The door slides open, and the smack of glass panels hitting the wall causes me to jump as Lev runs into the room with blood all over his white t-shirt.

Well, this is just the icing on the cake to my shit life. The first man I ever fell for is coming to finish me off.

“What the fuck?” he yells, moving the nurse away from my side.

How did I even get to the hospital?

As he approaches, I kick and scream at him, hoping like hell I can get out of this somehow. There is a brace on my foot that I use to kick him in the side.

“Evie, stop! Listen to me!” Lev shouts over my panic. Wires and tubes tangle all around me, but all I know to do is fight.

My thoughts feel muddy, but I know he found me. I heard the Russians who attacked me. They wanted me dead, and now so does Lev.

“We need to sedate her.” I hear the nurse say as I fall out of the bed trying to stand, desperate to run away. If she gets any medication into me, I’ll be a sitting duck unable to fight back.

I can’t let that happen.

Reaching down, I rip the IV out of my arm to prevent them from giving me anything. I can’t seem to make myself stand. Adrenaline is the only thing coursing through my veins, and it’s not enough.

I can hardly crawl, much less run. It's pathetic, really. Lev reaches down and scoops me into his arms. I instantly feel safe, and tears come to my eyes knowing I was the one to ruin this. It wasn’t supposed to end this way. Everything’s gone wrong, and it’s all my fault. There is no escaping this tragic ending.

“Sedate her,” Lev yells, “she's in pain and bleeding all over now. You said she wouldn't be awake for hours!”

Panic and worry coat his words, so different from how closed off he was before when he left me.

“Why?” I ask him as blood coats my tongue. “You want me dead, why are you trying to help me now?”

I wheeze in a harsh breath, a panic attack coming for me. I feel myself start to shake, but Lev cups my face in his hand, it’s so gentle that it takes me by surprise. I let myself look up at him.

“You could never do anything that could make me wish you were dead.” He sits down on the bed with me in his arms. I feel blood soaking through the gown, adding more stains to his shirt, “Do you think I care about anything but you now?” he asks with tears in his eyes. “I’m so fucking sorry, Lucky Charm, I'm so sorry.”
