Page 142 of Mafie Kings

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I think back to when I was ten years old, and I met Evie at a fancy ball her parents were throwing. She was wearing this sparkly purple dress and her dark brown hair was pulled into a bun at the top of her head. Her smile was contagious, and I found myself staring at her most of the night.

“It’s not polite to stare, my love. Why don’t you ask her to dance?” my mother asks me in a whisper.

My cheeks grow hot at the thought of being caught staring to which my mother stifles a laugh.

“What if she says no, Mama?” I ask, worried I might disappoint or embarrass my father by doing the wrong thing. He’s never been violent towards me, but his looks of disappointment somehow feel worse than a slap to the face.

Mother takes my hand in hers and looks down at me. She tucks some of my longer hair behind my ears as she says, “No girl will tell you no, so long as you always remain worthy of a yes. You are handsome and kind, my boy. She will not say no.”

I walk right up to Eydis and bow like a prince would to a princess. “Would you care to dance, Princess?”

She giggles as she takes my hand, and the sound has my ears feeling warm. “What if I'm not a princess?” she asks. “Would you still want to dance with me?”

I squeeze her hand then and promise myself that I will do whatever I can to make her feel like a princess.

“Well, tonight, you're my princess, so you don't have to worry.”

As I walked her over to the dance floor, my father walked up to sit with her father, and I remember him looking happy. He always looks happy when we are with the Petrovs.

Eydis steals my attention by twirling in her dress and I swear I fall in love at that exact moment.

We dance like children and laugh all night long. As we get into the limo to leave for the evening, I lean into my mother and say, “I’m going to marry that girl one day, Mama.”

My mother smiles as she pulls me close, and I see my father with a mirroring grin. That was the last moment in my life where everything felt right.
