Page 63 of Mafie Kings

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I remove my headphones from around my neck and stand up from my desk. Walking up to Damien, I shove him into the wall. “Yes, I’m still in a shitty mood, andnd your face isn’t helping right now.”

He just looks at me like this is exactly what he expected, eyebrows raised like I’m having a tantrum. Damien probably knows how I’m going to react to things before I do half the time. He’s always able to read me like an open book, just like I’ve always been able to do with him.

I can see he’s worried. About what though, I’m not sure. I back up to give him space, crossing my arms over my chest. “Why are you here?” I ask him, annoyance still in my tone.

He reaches up to scratch the back of his neck before looking at me. Damien isn’t one to beat around the bush, so this is odd for him. My brows pinch with worry when he makes eye contact.

“Alexi might have created more of a problem than he realized,” he says.

I lock my jaw. Alexi seems to be creating a lot of problems lately. “You mean the fact that Evie won’t even look at me, much less talk to me? Or the fact that we just let him do that after what happened to her right before she got here?” I ask accusingly.

He looks at me with concern in his eyes. “What happened to her before she got here?” he asks.

Figuring he was going to ask, I'm already back sitting at my computer and pulling up the video. I hit play and look away while Damien watches over my shoulders.

The video ends and the room grows silent. I realize now, this is on me. I let this happen because I ran away, like always. I clench my fists, letting my nails dig into my skin to silently punish myself.

“You should have showed me that the second you found it,” Damien says, moving to pace the length of my room.

“You’re right,” I admit. “I found it the night before Evie’s accident. I planned to show you, but then she got hurt and other things became important.” I mentally kick myself. If he would have known, maybe he could have gotten Alexi to stop.

“It doesn’t matter.” he says, waving it off. “She liked what Alexi did, she’s just not ready to admit it.”

I stare at him in shock. How could he possibly know that?

He sits on my bed in front of me, “Stop beating yourself up, Lev. She liked it. I was watching. She never told him no, she never tried to push him off of her. Not once did she look to us for help. She had her blades on her and could have cut off his dick in a second.”

I let his words sink in, allowing them to soothe part of the ache in my chest. I don’t want to believe she liked it, but if she never said no, maybe I didn’t fuck up as bad as I feel like I did.

“Why did you stay?” I ask him.

He grins at me, “You know I like to watch,” he says, “and I wanted to make sure if she did say no, he took it seriously.”

At least he was looking out for her. “So what’s the new problem?” I ask him.

“Bryce,” he says with a dangerous look in his eye. “She was with him down at the beach. They ended up kissing, but she tried to stop it, and he attempted to force her just like Alexi did.”

I can practically feel the anger radiating off of his body as he goes through the details. When he’s done, I have no choice but to stand up and pace the room. My body is vibrating with rage. Alexi basically showed the pervert how to assault our woman - and worse - made him think he could do it, too.

“The fuck are we gonna do?” I ask Damien, throwing my hands in the air with frustration.

He sits back on the bed. “She took care of it for now, but the kid is a snake. He will make another move. If she’s not ready and watching her back, then we need to be.”

I grin at that plan.

“Why are you smiling?”

“She calls me Ghost. So, now I’m going to haunt her.”

I’ll keep her safe. This time I’m not running away. “What did you do after she cut him?” I ask, curious about how things ended with them after she got pissed with Damein.

One side of Damiens mouth quirks up as he lays back on the bed and stretches out. “I punished her for disobeying, and she fuckinglovedit.”

“What do you mean, she loved it?” What could he do to punish her that would be enjoyable?

“She so helpfully informed me the reason she disobeyed was because she needed a release. So, I used one of the toys I brought just in case I found someone I wanted to play with, and helped her find that release.” He licks his lips, making my mouth water as I remember just how good she tasted.

“Did you taste her?” I ask, a twinge of jealousy starting to rise inside of me.
