Page 65 of Mafie Kings

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My face is on fire from his touch, my cheeks no doubt turning a bright red. “I think…” I say before stopping to catch my breath. His scent is intoxicating and, at this moment, I want nothing more than to let myself fall into him. “I think I could forgive you,” I tell him, leaning into his touch. “On one condition.”

“Anything,” he says, lightly brushing my face with his thumb.

“You have to go get us pizza and alcohol, and we are going to watch a movie ofmychoice. No judging. And if I get too drunk, you have to hold my hair back while I throw up. Deal?”

He drops his hand from my face and pulls me into a hug. “That sounds like the best night of my life,” he says, laughing. “I’ll be back soon with pizza. Go get comfortable and pick out our movie.” He kisses my forehead before heading to the food hall.

I expect him to fight a little more, but as I watch him walk away, I get excited to hang out with someone. I need a break from classes and pizza sounds nice. Knowing the truth now, I would have forgiven him with his apology alone, but now I get pizza out of it. A girl can never have too much pizza. Plus, it will be a nice distraction from everything.

I head right for my room, changing into some baggy sweatpants and rolling them over a few times at the waist. Then, I throw on an oversized T-shirt like the ones I normally sleep in. This one says “Find peace in the Pain”. I throw my hair into a high ponytail and splash a little water on my face to wipe away the day. I plan to crash after this, hoping I can get more than four hours tonight.

I walk out to the couch and scroll through movies on Netflix. I'm on the hunt for a comedy that doesn’t make you think too much but has some good laughs. Once I find a good option, I grab us blankets and pile them up on the couch. I get some glasses from the kitchen and put them on the coffee table with a few cans of soda to use as mixers.

Then finally, the essentials for pizza eating, lotsof napkins. I look around, making sure I’m not missing anything before I settle into the couch with one of Lev’s fluffy blankets.

As soon as I get snuggled up in my little cocoon, Lev comes in with the food and a full bottle of Jack. He smiles and walks over to me before laughing under his breath. “You look cozy,” he remarks.

I take the pizza box he offers and snuggle back down in my spot. “You said to get comfortable,” I say with a shrug. “I got you a blanket, too.” I gesture to the one next to me.

“How generous of you,” he says with that same smirk on his face as he removes his shoes. He places them by the door before going to his room. I open the delicious-smelling pizza, it’s piled high with all the meat. I swear this mixed with a Jack and Coke is like a wet dream. I place the pizza on the coffee table and then mix up a very strong drink.

Lev walks out of his room in gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt. Okay, I changed my mind. Him mixed with my favorite food and drink is my ultimate wet dream.

He catches me staring as he gets settled in next to me. “What movie did you pick?” he asks.

My face heats slightly, almost embarrassed with my choice. “How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days,” I tell him, looking down slightly.

“Is that the one with Matthew McConaughey?” he asks, not seeming bothered by my choice.

“Yeah,” I laugh. “Have you seen it?”

“Nope,” he says, taking a big bite of his disgusting pineapple pizza. “But the dude is hot, I bet I’ll like it.”

I'm momentarily stunned, the pizza halfway to my mouth when I pause and look over at him. “You think he’s hot?”

“Hell yeah,” he says. “Is that a problem?”

“Not at all.” And I mean it too. “I’m just surprised. Most guys are too worried about their masculinity to confess when they think another man is attractive.”

He sets down his pizza to wipe his hands on a napkin and looks at me. “I think you would be surprised with just how much of an open book I am for you, Lucky Charm.”

Instead of starting the movie, I put my pizza on the coffee table and wipe my hands. Turning to Lev I say, “You know, my dad used to call me that.”

He looks at me in surprise. “You told me that before. How did he come up with that?”

I look into his eyes, contemplating talking about my parents. It’s been a long time since anyone has asked, and it’s not something I do freely. Yet, I find myself wanting to tell Lev.

“When I was younger, my mother was not a morning person so my father would take me to school in the mornings. My mother was also a very healthy person and insisted junk food was not allowed in the house.” I stop to clear my throat, taking a second to collect my emotions. This is the first time I’ve told someone, who is basically a stranger, about my parents.

“Anyways, my father would always hide a box of lucky charms in the back of the pantry, and whenever I had a hard week or a big test, he would break them out. When we finished, he would always save me one of his clover pieces, saying it would help bring me a little extra luck that day.”

Tears threaten to fall from my eyes just thinking about all those fun mornings with my father. I refuse to let them show though.

“Hey,” Lev says, reaching out. I pull away from him at first, but he scoots closer to me and places his arms around me. “I’m sorry if the nickname makes you upset. That was never my intention.”

I shake my head, “It doesn’t make me upset,” I say, letting myself be comforted by him just this once. “It makes me remember the good times. I just haven’t been reminded of them in a while.”

Chapter 33
