Page 71 of Mafie Kings

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I’m speechless, and that does not happen often. After I met Evie, I was a little scared of her. So when she was showering, I snuck into her room and peeked at her things. Without meaning to, I saw her as she stepped out of the shower, covered in scars. That was when I stopped being afraid of her.

Once I saw what she had been through, her demeanor made sense to me. I figured she had a tortured past like most of us here. What I didn’t expect was for her to open up about it. That's why I gave her an out that day in the library.

Now that she's opening up though, I feel a need to protect her. Even if that means putting myself in danger.

I reach out to grab her hand and give it a reassuring squeeze. “Let’s go find that hair dye then.”

Evie nods, getting up to go change, and I do the same. Before I cross over into my room, I turn around to her. “Evie?”

“Yeah?” She turns on the barstool to face me.

“Thanks for telling me.”


By the time Sunday rolls around: we’ve colored hair, painted nails, talked all about what it’s like living with the Kings, set up a studying schedule for the next week, and snacked on all the food in the suite. For the first time since I met Evie, I feel like I’m getting to see the real her. Her shoulders have lost some of their tension, she’s laughing hysterically at the movie we’re watching, and seeming to actually open up.

I’m thankful now that I was sent here with her. I worry about her living with the Kings, but I also worry about them. I fully believe she is capable of killing them if they push her too far. She’s told me about all of the ‘punishments’ they’ve crafted for her.

It’s odd to me that she doesn’t seem more upset about them though. I wonder if she likes the challenge or something.

Anxiety starts to climb its way up my throat as I watch the time, knowing I’ll be getting a call soon from my family. I try not to focus on it too much so I don’t ruin our time together relaxing, but in the end I can’t stop fidgeting.

Evie sits up and turns off the TV. “Alright,” she says, “out with it. What has got you so anxious that you’re making me want to bite my new nails?” she asks.

“Nothing,” I say, “I just have a call with my family tonight.”

She tilts her head slightly confused. “I thought you loved your family?” she asks.

“I do,” I really do, “it’s just…” How do I say this? “Lately they have gotten themselves caught up with the wrong people, which I know is ironic coming from a crime family, but it’s the truth. Now I feel like I’m the one who has to clean up their mess, and the weight of that is always on my shoulders,” I confess, letting out a breath, hoping I’m not sharing too much that could come back to bite me in the booty.

“Is there anything I can help with? I can’t talk about it, but I have connections. Even if I need to pay a visit to someone myself over our break I will.”

Looking at her, I really believe she would do anything to help me fix this mess. But getting her involved would only end badly for her. “No, but I appreciate the gesture. I think I’m going to sleep in my room tonight if that’s alright? I have some things I need to think through.” I don’t want to ruin our girl time, but my head just isn’t in the right space for it.

“Of course,” she says, getting up to collect the trash from all our snacks. “I’ll clean up, you go do what you need to do. I’m just a room away if you need me.” She walks into the kitchenette with our dishes and I go to my room.

“Thanks, Evie,” I say before closing the door.

I guess it’s time to face the family.

Chapter 35

The weekend with Laney is everything I needed. It almost makes me sad looking back at my life, and realizing all of the times I could have had a friend like her but chose not to. Instead, I pushed myself to my limits, only making time for things that fueled my goal for revenge. While other girls had mani-pedis, I was in the gym.

While they went out to brunch and sipped on mimosas, I was stalking my marks. And when they huddled down to have sleepovers and eat junk food, I was slitting the throats of the evil that lurks in the dark.

I wouldn't change what I did with my life, but now I just realize how different it could have been if maybe I wasn't so focused solely on my revenge. Maybe I could have been more carefree like Laney and allowed myself to live in the moment instead of ten steps ahead at all times.

Except, that's not my fate. My parents' murderer robbed me of the ability to make those choices, because if I did, then he would walk free.

I grab my tablet, walk to my closet, and prepare myself for this call. I don’t want my uncle to think I’m not taking this mission seriously because I’ve been drinking all weekend with my friend and doing girl shit.

Blowing out a deep breath, I sit down and make the call.

My uncle's tired eyes meet mine before he yawns. “I was hoping you would call soon, Little Warrior,” he says, a weak smile on his face.

“Why do you look so tired?” I ask, immediately concerned about him.
