Page 73 of Mafie Kings

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Evie: I was just about to get in the shower and rehydrate from drinking all weekend.

Damien: Bet you’re pissed you can’t use that showerhead tonight *winking emoji*

Evie: Who says I’m not?

Damien: Don’t play games with me, Little Shadow. I will march over there right now to punish you if I get the feeling you’re disobeying *smiling devil emoji*

Evie: Fine.

Damien: Good girl *heart emoji*

Butterflies erupt in my stomach and I hate myself for it.

Evie: You do know that the more sexually deprived a woman is, the more likely they are to kill you, right?

Damien: Where in the fuck did you hear that?

Evie: Netflix literally has multiple documentaries about this.

Damien: Stand by for confirmation.

Holy shit. You’re right.

These people are messed up.

Evie: So will you retract the rule?

Damien: Not a chance. But for tonight, since you listened, I’ll let you come. On one condition *winking emoji*

Evie: And that is?

I can’t believe I’m letting him make this decision for me, but as I sit here waiting in anticipation, I find myself smiling, loving our little back-and-forth banter.

Damien: You call me. I want to hear the sounds you make when you come for me using that showerhead *water squirting emoji*

Evie: Fat chance at that.

Damien: Your choice. I’ll be here if you change your mind *heart eyes emoji*

I toss my phone on the bed with a huff. I could really use an orgasm right now, but I can’t do what he’s asking. Not only have I never done anything like that before, but what if Laney overheard? I’m supposed to hate these guys, not be playing their little games. No matter how fun the reward may be when it comes to Damien.

I start the shower and give a minute for the water to heat up as I undress. My eyes keep roaming back to the phone on my bed. Tempting me with a promise of sweet release. I gulp down an ice-cold bottle of electrolyte water in an attempt to focus on anything aside from the throbbing between my legs.

I’ve never been someone that needs to be acknowledged. I don’t mind being the one sitting in the background, pulling the strings. In fact, I usually prefer that people don't notice me. Yet, when Damien calls me a good girl, all I want is for him to do it again. Shaking my head, I banish the thought, knowing it will only make this feeling worse.

Drowning my thoughts in my ‘fuck off’ playlist seems like the best way to avoid the pull I have to this man. The cold water did nothing to dull the yearning. Maybe some loud music can do the trick.

Laney should be in her room either on a call or fast asleep by now, so the music shouldn’t bother her. Testing to make sure it’s not too loud, I close my bathroom door and stand in my room. I'm actually surprised that I can hear hardly anything except a faint hum mixed with the water splashing onto the tiles ever so slightly. Satisfied the music isn't too loud, I walk back into the bathroom, now greeted with a room full of steam. I inhale a deep breath and center myself.

Right before I step into the shower, my phone rings, cutting off the music. My jaw ticks as I go to see who it is messing with my Fem Rage playlist. When I reach back to grab it, the screen shows Damien is calling. I hit decline out of annoyance, effectively telling him to fuck off. Why would he think calling me would get me to say yes?

I scroll back to my playlist and hit play. Before I can make it into the shower, another call rings out. I hit the decline button again, and I swear I hear movement in my room. I assume Laney must have gotten off her call and been upset. I could tell she was distracted tonight.

Wrapping my towel around me, I shut off the water and open the door. I step out and look around, but there’s no one there. I see my closet door is open and I thought I shut it. I go over and close it, trying to think of why someone would be in my room. The hair on the back of my neck stands up and the feeling of being watched is overwhelming.

I walk to my bedroom door and peek out into the living area. Again, empty. When I turn back into the bathroom, assuming I’m hearing things, I notice something on my bed. A large black box sits in the middle of my bed, a bow with my name carefully attached to it. Someone was in my room and left this here. But why? My phone rings again, and this time I answer it without thinking.

“Wow, I thought I’d have to call at least eight more times before you answered.” Damien’s voice says.
