Page 5 of Doctor Everything

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But it was intentional and for good reason.

Years of working with no downtime left no opportunities for socializing. Any break in my routine to take time off resulted in—you guessed it—more work.

Coming to Hannibal gave me a glimpse of life outside my normally busy schedule. I thought I'd hit a bar on my Friday night off. Only to have a stunning chestnut-haired goddess show up.

If I engaged in conversation with her, it wouldn't take five sentences for her to realize I sucked at flirting. Better to chase her away with my rude attitude than bear the embarrassment afterward. I thought I’d annoy her so she would move on.

What I didn't anticipate was how the hurt in her eyes would affect me. Then, her storming out into the rain caused me to worry for her well-being. I barely knew this gorgeous woman, and I already wanted to keep her safe.

She shivered now and wrapped her arms around her middle. Her shoulders folded in as if to protect her body from the chill. If only I could protect her more.

The umbrella managed to keep the worst of it away. But the rain blew in every direction, still hitting her, molding her clothes to her body.

I was drenched, too, but thought nothing of it. My body was too attuned to her pressing close to get some relief from the rain. And my eyes kept slipping to the curve of her ass in those tight black jeans.

She took a left turn onto the next street. “We’re close.”

My head whipped up. It was a busy street. Stores lined the road on both sides, some closed, others still open. But outside, only a few people huddled underneath umbrellas like us.

A short walk brought us to an adjoined coffee shop and bakery.

“Home sweet home.” Her voice was light and airy.

I frowned. “You live in the shop?”

She laughed. “No, above it.” Her gaze rose and I followed it.

A small balcony hung over the store signs. Potted plants and flowers decorated it. A glass double door led out onto the balcony. Beyond that, it was dark inside.

“Come on up.” She nodded toward the spiral staircase. “We're soaked. I'll get you a towel, and maybe some tea to warm you up.”

Before I could answer, her feet hit the first rung. Closing the umbrella, I followed.

I tried to avert my eyes, but her ass looked good enough to bite. Or grab with my hands as she rode my cock.

“We’re here.” She stopped by her front door and fished out keys from her purse.

Her hands shook a little as she slid the key in. Was it from the cold or my presence? If it was the latter, her chirpy “Come on in” gave no indication.

I left the dripping umbrella by the door and walked in.

“I'll get the towels,” she announced, disappearing behind a door at the far end of the living room.

I looked around the room while I waited for my temptress to return. One long couch and a one-seater was all it could carry. They faced a flat screen TV hung up on the wall and a low coffee table tied it all together. Plants were scattered around in what little space remained.

I worked off my jacket and hung it on the coat rack. My eyes just took in the kitchenette in one sweep when she returned.

“Here are the—” she paused, eyes roaming over my upper body. Her gaze darkened and her tongue ran across her lower lip “—towels.”

She stood glued in one spot, staring. A small smile played on my lips.

Closing the gap between us, I took one. “Thanks.”

She blinked. “Of course.” Turning away, she wrapped the towel around her hair.

I ran the towel through my own hair. I wouldn't truly be dry unless I got out of my clothes. Best to stop the wet tendrils from dripping down my face.

My hair was as dry as I could get it when I lowered my hands. My eyes caught on her. She was still drying her hair, hands lifted, making her wet top strain over her chest.
