Page 4 of Train Me Daddy

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Lilly got to Mr. and Mrs. Trimmer’s house and handed over the pizza to them. They didn’t look overly impressed with her tardiness and tipped her three dollars.

Stinkbugs and broomsticks!

They call THIS a tip?

What am I meant to do with three dollars?

Lilly pushed her bicycle back down the Trimmer’s driveway and hopped onto the seat and began to peddle away. Honestly, Lilly felt that it would have been better to get no tip at all. It was like by giving three dollars the Trimmer’s were showing her how unimpressed they were.

‘Poop!’ Lilly blurted, pedalling on her bicycle and not feeling overly impressed to say the least. ‘Poop, poop, and triple-poop!’

Lilly carried on pouting as she cycled. At least her shift was over for the evening and she could head back home for a session in front of the laptop screen.

‘It’s time I started getting this first draft done,’ Lilly said to herself, hoping that speaking it out loud would help manifest it into reality.

But before Lilly could do any more manifestation attempts, she found her gaze drawn to something else. Something potentially very interesting indeed.

‘Is that… Poppy’s bike?’ she said, stopping in her tracks and looking over toward a purple and white candy-striped cycle that was leaning up against a white picket fence. ‘I think it is! Perfect!’

Lilly’s brain went into prank-mode and decided that it was time to take her Little friend Poppy’s bike for a ride. If Poppy was silly enough to leave it unattended like that, then she had it coming. The look on Poppy’s face would be priceless too!

Beaming a winning, mischievous smile from ear to ear, Lilly affixed Poppy’s cycle to the back of hers and began to peddle home. With the excitement of the practical joke consuming her, all thoughts of working on the novel had been vanquished.

Instead of working on the new chapter, all Lilly could think about was setting up her stuffie Jester as a cycle-napper and holding Poppy’s cycle to ransom!

‘This is going to besoooogoooood!’ Lilly laughed, pleased as punch with her prank and totally over the terrible tip she had received. ‘Lilly the Little Prankster rides again!’



‘What the hell ever happened to action movies?’ Tyler exclaimed, tempted to chuck the TV remote right through the screen. ‘I’ve seen better action down in the Stallion Valley Retirement Village!’

Tyler Broadie wasn’t in a good mood. It was night time and he was all done surfing for the day. This meant he was at something of a loose end, and that wasnevergood for his mood.

Tyler was forty-four and almost certainly the most beastly built of all surfers in Stallion Valley. He was 6’5” and had the type of body that wouldn’t have looked out of place in a heavyweight boxing ring.

With dark brown eyes and jet-black hair, Tyler definitely wasn’t exactly your typical surf dude.

The fact that Tyler was also a fan of blue denim jeans and rugged plaid shirts was also pretty unique. But this was Stallion Valley, the Daddies expressed themselves how they saw fit.

But individual tastes aside, make no mistake, Tyler lived for the ocean. The feeling of getting on his board and riding some tubes was simply the best feeling in the world as far as Tyler was concerned. Which probably explained why Tyler ran his own surf school and took great pride in offering the safest, most well-regimented surf lessons for a hundred miles up and down the coast.

Many people thought of surfer’s as chilled out dudes with a mañana attitude. Tyler wasdifferent. He believed in rules, structure and attention to detail.

Yes, surfing was fun and full of thrills. But it had to be done safely. The ocean could be deadly, as Tyler knew all too well.

Tyler put the movie on mute and got up from his firm L-shaped corner couch. His cottage by the beach wasn’t exactly a luxury beachside residence by any means. There wasn’t a glass wall or marble floor to be seen.

Tyler’s cottage was all surf memorabilia, useful tools and repair kits, practical furniture and enormous refrigerators used to stock fruit, beer, and not much else.

Walking over toward the wooden-framed window that looked directly onto the beach, Tyler could see a fire burning and could also hear the sound of a gang of young surfers shouting and making merry.

‘Idiots. It’s too dark to be surfing,’ Tyler grumbled. ‘They need to be taught a lesson before someone gets seriously injured. Or worse.’

Tyler knew it was too dangerous to be out on the water at this time. But there was nothing he could do about it. This was difficult for Tyler though. As a Daddy, he believed that nothing was more important than respect, rules, and discipline.

Perhaps if he had a Little in his life to focus his dominant nature on then the young surfers blowing off steam wouldn’t have annoyed him so much. But, sadly, Tyler was single.
