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“So, your father started you in data and not in management?”

“He wanted me to learn the company from the ground up, know what it was like to work hard, and show other employees I would not be afforded the highest position unless I was worthy. It gave me a chance to know those who would eventually be in my employ very well. Dad is a fair man who doesn’t believe in putting himself on a pedestal and I have inherited his way of thinking. I like to think I’m firm but fair.”

“Your employees in data speak very highly of you, so you are doing something right.”

“Getting back to Chez Vous, I’m a regular customer and dine there at least once a week. I can’t cook to save my life, but I do have a housekeeper who takes pity on me and cooks a few meals that she leaves in the freezer. All I have to do is heat them in the microwave. They come in useful when I work late, but I still dine out around three times a week.”

“I was told you have a habit of starting early and finishing late.”

“Guilty. The company has expanded, which means data has become busier, so I’ve taken on some of Owen’s general manager duties. He’s been doing as much as he can, but data takes a lot more of his time, so he often works late trying to do both jobs as well. I’m looking forward to having Raya take over so I can have him back by my side and we can both leave at a decent hour.”

Devon pulled up in front of the restaurant and I stepped from the car. While walking around the back of the vehicle, I buttoned my jacket, and when I reached Elizabeth’s door, helped her out.

As soon as the door closed, Devon drove away. Taking Elizabeth’s hand, I walked her inside. Adele and Faustin, the owners, both stood near the pedestal stand that held the reservation book just inside the front door, and Adele’s face lit up when she saw me holding Elizabeth’s hand. She hurried to me and kissed my cheeks before taking Elizabeth's free hand.

“I saw the reservation in Hudson’s name instead of Owen’s as it usually is and just had to see who was joining him. You are beautiful and must be special. Hudson has been coming here since he was eighteen and has never brought a lady.”

“Adele,” I growled when I saw she was embarrassing Elizabeth.

“You must have known she’d pounce, Hudson.” Faustin held out his hand and we shook like we did every time I was at the establishment. “I must agree with my wife, Elizabeth; you are indeed a beauty.” Faustin took her face and kissed both cheeks.

“Thank you, but I’m sure there are women more worthy of your assessment.”

“Beauty like yours is very rare, Elizabeth, so please take my compliment as intended.”

I smiled as a blush crept over Elizabeth’s cheeks and she nodded. It didn’t appear she had a vain bone in her body. A refreshing change from other women I’d been with, if only for a short time.

“Come, we will stop embarrassing you, and I’ll show you to your table. Pierre will be looking after you tonight.” Faustin plucked menus and a drinks list from the stand before leading us through the restaurant.

“Pierre is Adele and Faustin’s son and they also have a daughter, Katrine,” I explained as we made our way across the room.

“Katrine is not in tonight, her youngest is teething, and was a little off-colour. She’ll be disappointed she missed out on meeting Elizabeth,” Faustin admitted.

We were shown to a table pushed up to a huge window, and after pulling out a chair and waiting for Elizabeth to sit, I removed my jacket and sat opposite, so her lovely face was in full view. Faustin left us with the menus, took our drinks order, and I handed him the jacket to hang up in a coat closet by the door.

Chapter Seven


Hudson arrived in a black limousine with a driver reminding me of how wealthy the man was and how far he was out of my league.

I’d taken the opportunity during the week to look Hudson up online. I’d had a privileged life since my parents weren’t ‘short of a quid’—an expression my dad used, but we weren’t in the same league as Hudson. He was a billionaire many times over and well above my station in life. I was a data entry clerk for heaven’s sake, and the man was my boss! What could we possibly have in common? Still, I’d enjoyed speaking with him all week, so maybe there was no harm in seeing him as a friend.

The car stopped in front of a white-painted building with black and white awnings rolled out over the lower windows. A sign off to one side above a window was black with ‘Chez Vous’ in white lights.

Hudson escorted me inside, and while being greeted by the owners, I took the opportunity to observe my surroundings. I was pleased I’d worn one of my more glamorous dresses when Hudson had said to dress semi-formal. The place screamed elegance and the owner’s taste in decorating was impeccable. Tables were covered in white fabric, and I didn’t think a crease would have dared to mar the perfection. Cloth napkins were folded in the shape of swans and sat between sparkling silverware. Glasses in both red and white wine sizes were by each place setting. In the centre of each table were small silver candelabras holding two candles. The lighting throughout was from chandeliers and dimmed to provide a romantic atmosphere. Music with a sensuous melody played softly through speakers and the floors were tiled in black and white, polished to a mirror shine. The white walls were painted with French scenes including the Eiffel Tower and French cartoon-like characters. Behind a polished wood bar were shelves stacked with every bottle of spirits imaginable and a young girl with blonde hair was busy fixing drinks.

Faustin seated us at a table by a window that offered views that could only be described as spectacular, then leaned over and lit the candles. The restaurant was situated on a hill in Mosman and from our seats we had a clear view of the bridge and harbour Sydney was famous for around the world. The bridge was edged with lights that reflected off the water while the city, a kaleidoscope of coloured lights, acted as the backdrop. Despite the overcrowding, pollution, and noise, I found Sydney to be a spectacular city, and I was going to love being a resident.

My attention was drawn back to Hudson when he set one hand over mine. “Breathtaking.”

“Stunning,” I agreed.

“It wasn’t the view through the window I was talking about.”

I felt my face heat at the comment.

Hudson grinned. “What would you like to drink?”
