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The night crept in, stars appeared overhead, and the sound of seagulls arguing over their final meal for the day echoed in the night air.

I took Elizabeth back inside and guided her to the living room before handing her takeaway menus for a few of my favourite restaurants that I kept on the coffee table. While she made a decision on what she wanted to order, I mixed us both for a drink.

After setting the drinks on the coffee table, I called the Chinese Restaurant and ordered what Elizabeth had chosen.

While we waited for the delivery, I pulled Elizabeth close, and she rested her head on my chest, which seemed to be her favourite position. I switched on the television and surfed through a few channels before settling on a travel show.

Tonight’s episode was about Norfolk Island. We settled back and I smiled at Elizabeth’s enthusiastic comments about the beauty and history of the place. She even admitted it was a contender for being the first place she visited, knocking Hawaii off its pedestal.

I lifted Elizabeth onto my lap, and while staring into each other’s eyes, I leaned forward and captured her lips.

Elizabeth’s arms wrapped around my neck, and my hands wandered over her back before settling on her arse and kneading both cheeks. They were round, firm, and soft, and I wanted to feel them with no material in the way. My dick thickened and pushed against her belly causing her eyes to glaze over.

I wanted this woman more than I’d ever wanted any other and being with her would never be a one-time-only event.

We pulled apart and I cursed the interruption when the doorbell sounded. Elizabeth giggled before climbing from my lap.

“That will be Harper and Ellie. I’ll answer.”

I dragged fingers through my hair, willing my dick to calm down before I met Elizabeth’s housemates. A visibly hard dick—way to make a first impression.

Pushing onto my feet, I straightened the sweats I’d changed into when we’d arrived back from the boat trip and was happy to note, my dick was beginning to settle.

The girls’ voices became louder as they headed toward where I stood waiting for them all in the living room.

Elizabeth was sandwiched between her two friends with an overnight bag in her hand and I gave them both a quick once over. The girl on her left was tall, and slender, with raven black hair that hung over her shoulders and almost to her waist and piercing blue eyes. The girl on the right was around Elizabeth’s height. She had fair hair cut in a short bob and green eyes. I stepped forward with my hand outstretched towards the tall girl.

“Hudson Jackson,” I introduced myself.

“Oh, I know who you are. Harper Page.” She raked her eyes over me from the top of my head to both feet, not hiding the fact she was checking me out. “I’m very pleased to meet you.” Her voice had a sultry tone, but I had claimed my girl, and I was a long way from being interested in another.

I turned to the other girl who’d been watching the interchange between me and Harper with interest and held out my hand. “And who might you be?”

“Ellie Franklin. Ditto on the pleased to meet you.”

Ellie had a softer voice, but like Harper, it was cultured, making it obvious they had both been the recipients of an upper-class upbringing.

“Can I get you a drink? Coffee?”

Harper gave Ellie a quick glance before the latter shook her head. “No, we’re going clubbing tonight with some friends from uni. Maybe next time. And, we have an Uber waiting.”

Taking Elizabeth’s hand, we walked the girls out and watched as they climbed into the car. We both waved as the car drove away.

Once back inside I closed and locked the door and set the security alarm. “No more interruptions.”

Elizabeth nodded and I led her upstairs to the master suite—my bedroom. I had never before invited a woman into my bed. I guess there was a first time for everything.

In the bedroom, I pulled the curtains closed and threw back the covers on the bed revealing crisp, white cotton sheets before turning to where Elizabeth waited.

I crooked one finger and she stepped towards me. Gathering her in my arms, I lowered my head to capture her lips in a spine-tingling kiss. I’d known this girl for five minutes in the scheme of time, yet I wanted her with a fierceness that burned me to the core.

Moving away, but not going far, I locked my eyes on Elizabeth’s while stripping her top away, revealing the itty-bitty bikini top, and dropping it to the floor.

Both hands gravitated to her breasts and as I fondled them, my eyes slid closed. They were every bit as beautiful as I’d imagined, firm, and when I ran both thumbs over the nipples, they sharpened to hard peaks.

A groan sounded from deep in my belly, and when I opened my eyes, Elizabeth’s gaze was fixed on me. The heat in her look had the power to melt me into a puddle.

“You have quite the touch,” she smiled.
