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Ryan grinned. “A double date?”

I felt my cheeks heat. “I guess so.”

“See what day works for them, and I’ll talk to Bradford about it.”

Once we got back to my place, Ryan parked and said he’d walk me up to my apartment.

“Did you want to stay for a glass of wine or a beer before you head back?” I asked as he helped me out of the truck.

“That sounds great. The beer, not the wine.”

I chuckled and started up the steps. For some reason, I knew Ryan’s eyes were on my ass. I might have swayed up those steps a little more than was called for. When I got to the top, I stepped onto the balcony and froze.

“Is that—” I pointed toward my front door—“a bird?”

Ryan stepped around me. “Yeah. Oh man, looks like it’s dead. It’s a blue jay.”

“What?” I gasped. “I love blue jays! Oh, I hope it’s not the one that’s been coming to my feeder on the balcony. I only put it up a couple of days ago.”

“It might not be. Let’s get inside, and I’ll get something to pick it up and throw it out.”

Handing Ryan my keys, I said, “I’ll wait out here. The dustpan is right inside the laundry room.”

Ryan stepped over the bird, and I put my hand to my stomach, feeling sick that the poor thing had died on my doorstep. Coming back out, Ryan used the dustpan to gently scoop up the bird.

“Do you think it flew into the door?” I asked.

“I’m not sure. Maybe. Or…maybe he killed it and left it for you.”

“Who?” I asked.

Ryan pointed to the orange and white cat that was sitting on the bench behind me.

“Oh my gosh, where did you come from?” I said as I rushed over to the cat. It stood and pushed against my hand. “You’re so sweet! Why are you taking out poor innocent birds, huh?”

The cat meowed, and I scooped him up into my arms. “Do you have a home, sweetie?”

“Bird’s taken care of. I’ll wash off your dustpan.”

Glancing over my shoulder, I thanked Ryan and then set the cat back down. “I’ll pick up some kitty food tomorrow, little guy, and ask if anyone in the neighborhood is missing a handsome orange and white bird killer.”

The cat meowed again and jumped off the bench. He casually made his way to the steps before racing down them.

I shook my head and headed into my apartment, shutting the door behind me. “Do you think he belongs to anyone? He didn’t have a collar on,” I asked when I joined Ryan in the kitchen.

He was drying off the dustpan with a paper towel. “Who can say? He sure was friendly for a stray cat, if no one owns him.”

“I’ve always wanted my own cat.”

Ryan leaned against the counter and looked at me thoughtfully. “You had a ton of cats growing up, didn’t you?”

“Barn cats,” I said as I slipped one shoe off and then the other. I could feel Ryan’s eyes watching me while I moved about. Heading to the refrigerator, I grabbed two beers, opening them before handing one to Ryan. “Here you go.”

He took the beer and held it up. “To…friends.”

My face heated instantly as I hit the neck of his beer bottle with mine. After Ryan took a drink, he set the beer down and pushed off the counter.

His gaze locked on mine.

I took a step toward him and could practically feel the heat building between us. Ryan closed the distance and lifted his hand to my face—but before he could make contact, his cell phone rang.

He closed his eyes and cursed. “Shit. That’s my dad’s ringtone.”

“You should answer it.”

Nodding, he replied, “Yeah.” He pulled his phone out of his pocket and swiped across the screen. “Hey, Dad.” He listened for a minute, then turned away from me. “Is she okay?”

My heart tumbled, and I held my breath. I hoped nothing had happened to his mother.

“Okay, yeah. I’m on my way home now. Will do.”

He tapped the phone and turned to me. “I’m sorry, Morgan. There’s an issue with one of the mares, and my dad needs help.”

I exhaled and put my hand to my chest. “Thank God.”

Frowning, Ryan tilted his head and stared at me in confusion.

“No, I mean—I’m sorry to hear that, but I’m glad it wasn’t your mom!”

“Oh, yeah,” Ryan said as he headed toward the back door. “Thank you again for tonight. I had a really great time.”

I held the door open for him and smiled up into those brown eyes of his. “I did too. Thank you for dinner and for getting rid of the bird.”

He smiled and my heart skipped a beat. Ryan leaned down, and I held my breath as he kissed me on the cheek before moving his mouth to my ear. “Goodnight, Morgan. Sweet dreams, sweetheart.”
