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Just the way she'd always preferred it.

That strategy had worked fine these past few years. The downside was that her relationships had been brief and unsatisfying.

But there was one problem with that strategy. Something which had become crystal clear these past few weeks.

That didn't make sense, she told herself, when it came to a man like Qazim.

Qazim was simply the most incredible man she had ever met. Any woman would have been happy to be drawn into Qazim's world. To become all he could think of.

Because Grace realized she had become exactly that. The entire focus of Qazim's present life.

Qazim had made it pretty clear that Grace was all he could think of every waking moment. She had taken over his present life.

And of his future?

She wasn't sure about that last part, but it certainly seemed as if Qazim had some serious intentions towards her.

Once again, that thought triggered unease, a familiar impulse to get up and leave. The sensation was like a hard knot in her stomach.

Grace knew she had to at least tell him it was over. She owed him that, at least. She wasn't about to sneak out in the middle of the night. There would be no walk of shame tonight, she told herself.

Grace felt Qazim shift slightly. She sat up, tugging the thin, white bed-sheet up around her bare breasts. In doing so, she inadvertently tugged the sheet away from Qazim's naked body.

Desire flared in her at the sight of his powerful torso, his long powerful legs. His firmness was completely visible in the soft light, partially ready for more, she realized. He looked amazing.

Grace swallowed. This was what she was turning her back on? For a moment she thought she must be crazy.

Qazim, still sleeping, shifted his arms lazily across Grace's thighs. She was sure he was about to awaken.

Somewhere deep in his consciousness Qazim seemed to have become aware that Grace was no longer lying next to him. He opened his eyes and gazed up at her. Grace smiled nervously down at him.

"Hi," he breathed. His voice sounded thick with sleep. He sounded exhausted. She thought about the strength of his lovemaking. No wonder he was tired, she told herself. He had almost worn her out with his insistent demands that she experience wave after wave of ecstasy.

She hadn't put up any resistance to that. She'd allowed herself to be completely possessed by his ferocious, urgent need. And it had felt wonderful.

"Hi, there," she replied. She clutched the bed cover tighter around her. He reached up and tugged it loose from her fingers. The sheet fell away revealing her bare breasts. Qazim's gaze brightened appreciatively. Grace just looked at him, feeling desire awaken, yet again, at her core.

He was insatiable.

How could she turn her back on this?

But she had to, she told herself emphatically. This wasn't going to be easy.

Qazim sat up and leaned closer. He kissed her mouth. His scent was instantly arousing. His lips were soft. The same lips had done incredible things to her body only a short time ago. The memory of that pleasure still echoed throughout her nervous system.

Their lips parted and she gazed into his eyes, trying to assess how he was feeling, whether he wanted more from her. She saw the flickering embers of desire in his dark smouldering gaze.

She knew that if she didn't say something now, she may never get the words out.

"Qazim, there's something I need to say to you," she murmured.

His eyes widened and he smiled. "Let me guess. You want to tell me how amazing that was," he said lifting a brow mischievously. She was used to his self-deprecating sense of humor.

Grace forced herself to not respond to that teasing remark. She shook her head. "No. That's not it."

His brows lifted. "Didn't I perform up to my usual standard?" he joked. "Mmmm?" he added with a smirk.

She peered at him and saw he wasn't been exactly serious. He was mocking himself, she concluded.
