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Grace sat back against the leather seat inside Qazim's limo. She sighed and gazed out at the almost deserted streets, the darkened buildings.

Finally. She'd done it. She was free.

She knew she should have felt relief. Knew she should be looking forward to the future, now that the craziness of the last two months was finally over.

So, how come she felt the exact opposite? How come, right now, sitting here alone, being taken back to her apartment, she felt as if she'd just made the biggest mistake of her life?

Even as she'd stepped out of the elevator, she'd considered going to the man at reception and asking him to call up to Qazim's apartment. Say that all of this had been some terrible misunderstanding. That she hadn't really meant what she'd said.

As she'd leaned against the walls of the elevator, Grace had been torn by doubt. Surprising doubt. Emotions had ripped her apart, and she'd started to think she'd made a mistake. Of course, she couldn't just walk out on him like that, she'd told herself. Surely he didn't deserve that.

The way he'd looked at her as the doors had closed had made something hard pull at her heart.

The impulse to undo all this was almost impossible to ignore.

But she had resisted the impulse and walked straight out of the building and into the waiting limo.

Grace let her mind settle into blankness for a while. She watched the streets, empty of cars at this time in the morning. For a long time, her mind was thankfully empty. Then she recognized the area where she lived.

She'd be home soon.

And then what?

Her work would carry on. She was scheduled to remain in Qazhar at least another couple of months. It wasn't going to be easy being around Qazim after dumping him like that.

Because that was what she'd just done.

She hadn't even considered the possibility that Qazim might be so angered by her actions that he would seek some kind of professional retribution, try to punish Grace somehow for doing what she'd done.

Grace sighed and shook her head in the darkness of the back of the limo. Qazim wasn't that kind of person, she told herself. She knew that fact, deep down. They'd forged a connection that was deep, one that had given Grace a glimpse into the man's soul, his inner being. And she knew that Qazim didn't have a cruel bone in his body.

No. He wouldn't do anything do make her remaining time in Qazhar any more difficult than it needed to be.

Grace would just have to do her best to maintain her composure whenever she was around Qazim. There was work to be done, and Grace considered herself nothing if not professional.

That thought made her smile to herself. There had been nothing professional about sleeping with your company's most important client, she told herself.

Nothing at all.

It was just about the most unprofessional thing she could ever have done. But it had been impossible to resist.

He had been impossible to resist.

Grace thought about the love-making of only hours before. Emotion caught in her chest and she felt her pulse quicken at the memory of the way Qazim had made love to her. She could still feel the remnants of her own ecstasy in every nerve in her body.

Qazim had been as expert as ever. However, this time there had been something new, an urgency about the way he had driven her to the peak of pleasure. There had been a hunger about Qazim's passion which had swept Grace along, sending her tumbling even deeper into his world, drawing her further into Qazim's existence. It was as if he'd wanted to create a permanent bond between them.

That single, shocking and terrifying realization had seized her at one point when he had wrapped her in his arms, enclosing her with his heat and his sheer, unstoppable power.

For a moment, just before climax, Grace had felt the delicious sensation of being one with Qazim, being completely connected to him, as if they were forging a new life by what they were sharing.

And that had been the final trigger for Grace. That feeling of losing herself in him, of losing everything she'd worked so hard to build for herself these past few years.

Qazim's irresistible, forceful desire for Grace had simply sent her running.
