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She made her way toward the reception area.

And then she saw him. The last person she ever expected to see here, at this moment. Her heart almost stopped for a few seconds. She froze, her steps halting abruptly.



She could hardly believe her eyes. What was he doing here? How did he even know she'd come here this morning?

Qazim stood at the open doors to the Center. He was gazing right at her. He was dressed in plain white shirt and dark pants. He stood in the doorway, a dark silhouette. He seemed completely oblivious to the people passing him by as they made their way in and out of the Center. It was as if she was the only person he could see.

The only person he wanted to see, right now.

Then he came toward her. Her mind was racing, as she tried to figure out what to say to him. How was she going to explain her presence here in the Medical Center? He knew she was planning to leave for the States the next day.

But why had he come here? Was it just some kind of strange coincidence? Was fate playing more games with her?

Did he have some last thing to tell her? Or had he come to find something out? Because he had guessed the reason why she'd some here?

That last thought made her feel instantly tense and put her nerves on edge.

Qazim walked toward her. There was a steady, determined look on his face. But there was also more than a hint of concern in his eyes.

He halted in front of Grace. His gaze was searching and very curious. "Is everything okay?" he asked. "Is there something wrong?" he added, his voice low so that no-one could overhear them.

Instinctively, Grace lifted a self-conscious hand to her hair and started fussing with the loose locks. She knew he would recognize that gesture. He'd teased her often enough about it before. He understood it meant she was nervous about something. Trying to conceal something from him.

"What are you doing here?" Grace asked sharply.

"I called your office and they told me you'd come here."

"And?" she retorted sharply.

"I came over to check that you're okay," he explained, sounding genuinely concerned.

Why did he still think he had the right to have any interest in her? Even as she asked herself that question she knew how ridiculous it sounded now. Of course he had every right to know that she was carrying his baby.

That his seed had planted life in her.

"I'm fine," she announced quickly.

He lifted a brow and didn't look at all convinced. "Really," he said in a flat, slightly disbelieving voice.

Grace furrowed her brows. "Yes, I am," she stated. "And in any case, I don't really see that it's any of your concern, Qazim."

He shook his head. "Of course it's my concern," he replied. "We're still friends aren't we? As well as business associates."

Was that how he saw things between them now? Just friends? Simply business partners?

Sudden indignation swept through her. She pushed past him, brushing him aside with a firm hand. She took a few steps and thought she'd be able to leave him behind. But within a few moments he was beside her.

She halted and glared at him. "What!" she snapped. She realized her voice had been unintentionally loud. She glanced around and saw some curious glances from onlookers.

Qazim peered down at her. Why did he suddenly seem so large? His presence was dominating, emphatic. Immoveable.

"This isn't the place to talk," he said. "Why don't we go to my limo."

Grace shook her head. "I'm not going anywhere with you, Qazim."
