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She told herself that was a crazy thought. But was it, really? Surely everything had changed now. Her world had been turned upside down again.

She glanced at Qazim. He had put a life inside her. This incredible sheikh had made love to her and now nothing would ever be the same.

Qazim looked at her. "Are you sure you're ready to go back to the States?" he asked.

She tried not to react to that question, one that he must have assumed was so innocent, given his ignorance of the truth.

"I think so," she replied hesitantly. "Got one or two things to finalize."

"I discussed with Bruce some of what we agreed at the last meeting. He seemed to think that what we're planning for the next meeting in Washington makes sense."

Bruce was one of the executives who had come over with Grace to discuss the development plans with Qazim. "That's good," Grace said nodding absent-mindedly.

She saw his brows narrow. "Are you sure everything's alright?" he asked.

"Of course," she said defensively. "Why?"

"It's just that you seem a little preoccupied."

Grace waved a dismissive hand and shook her head. "I'm just thinking about the trip home."

Qazim moved slightly toward her. "Nothing about what the doctor told you?"

Grace stiffened. "No. Why would that be?" she snapped.

"I guessed you wouldn't have come to the Medical Center unless there was a good reason," he said evenly.

Grace peered at him, trying to read his features. He was digging for something, she told herself. He was no fool. He'd noticed how much she had been affected by the visit to the Center and he was determined to confirm his growing suspicions and doubts.

She'd done her best to be off-hand and casual about the whole thing. But, Qazim was not easily fooled.

She could have just taken a test by herself, of course, without coming to the Center. But, she'd wanted to make sure there wasn't anything else to worry about, on top of the suspicion that she might be pregnant.

Grace faced away from Qazim, turning her body slightly toward the window. Then she felt his hand on her shoulder. The sensation of his touch sent a galvanic, electrifying trace down her body. She stiffened, drawing in a sharp breath. Then she got hold of herself and turned quickly to him.

Qazim's gaze was intense, focused perfectly and very directly on her eyes. He seemed to be searching for something. The truth? How could she hide this any longer from him?

"What is it, Qazim?" she asked softly.

"You can tell me anything, Grace," he replied. "You know that, don't you."

Grace peered at him. He seemed genuinely sincere, surprisingly concerned. Gone was his former brash arrogance. It had been replaced by a real interest in her, a visible need to find out the truth.

She knew she couldn't leave tomorrow without telling him. He had every right to know. At least that was how Grace saw the situation. She was keenly aware that not everyone would have shared that view.

But, trust had been such an important part of their time together and she still felt the remnants of that, sitting here next to him in the coolness of the limo.

Grace glanced down at his hand on her shoulder. She didn't do anything to move the hand. It felt good. His touch was gentle.

She looked back at him and she saw his eyes narrow slightly as if he was expecting her to say something.

But, she couldn't find the words. They just wouldn't come. Not the ones she really wanted to say.

"What is it, Grace?" Qazim probed again.

Grace sighed and lowered her head. She felt his fingers on her chin. He lifted her face up and he gazed softly into her eyes. There was a hint of emotion in his eyes, the same emotion she'd allowed herself to drown in so many times before. But all of that seemed like an eternity ago, she told herself.

Surely he wasn't about to try and kiss her, she told herself.
