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Was Qazim seriously asking Grace to sign up for that kind of life? Surely he must know that she wouldn't be able to tolerate such an existence. It would be almost like a living death.

But, then she thought about the child that was growing inside her. Grace placed a hand across her middle. Of course, it was too early to feel anything, too soon to be showing.

But, one thing she knew from some of her friends who'd had children, was that pregnancies could proceed faster than you could imagine. It wouldn't be long before her belly would be growing and Grace would have to make some huge adjustments to her life.

Grace felt a sudden warmth in her heart at the thought that she was growing life within her. Was this just the barest hint of the joy to come?

She thought about the way Qazim had acted in the limo. He'd seemed stunned by the news at first. But, after his initial amazement, he'd quickly made his intentions crystal clear to Grace.

Qazim was determined that the child would be born in Qazhar. He seemed driven by a fierce need to ensure the boy or girl grew up in his kingdom.

Grace could understand him. It was true that the last thing the child would need would be insecurity. This had happened so quickly that Grace had barely had a moment to even think about how she would look after a newborn, let alone bring the child up in the way she knew she wanted.

Grace sighed and then took a sip of the apple juice, feeling the instant energy of the rush of sugar.

One thing was for sure. She wasn't going to make a decision right at this minute. Especially when it came to the subject of becoming Qazim's wife.

She thought about that for a moment. Images drifted into her mind. Her and Qazim living in the palace he owned at the edge of Qazhar city. She thought about what it would be like to be so close to Qazim, all the temptations which wouldsurround her. Surely he didn't think they could live like that.

Without any kind of intimacy.

Without any feeling.

Grace could understand why marriages of convenience had gone out of style. It sounded almost like a living hell.

She immediately chided herself for that thought. Qazim didn't deserve that. All he was thinking of was her welfare and the welfare of the baby. She couldn't fault him for that.

In any case, Qazim's life would be turned upside down as much as hers. They would be a couple, albeit a couple who would have to keep each other at arms length.

The sheer, physical impossibility of how that sounded made Grace frown.

The phone rang.

Grace picked it up. It was Bruce.

"Just wanted to check you're okay," Bruce said at the other end of the line. He sounded concerned. Grace smiled. Bruce was that kind of guy.

"I'm fine, Bruce," Grace replied. She felt like asking him if he really had told Qazim where she'd gone. If he had, maybe she had a case for telling Bruce she was disappointed in him. But, then again, maybe he'd just been trying to look out for Grace. Bruce was considerably older than Grace. A good friend and trusted business colleague.

Grace held her tongue.

"You fit for the flight tomorrow?" Bruce asked.

Grace paused. Was she really going to leave? Doubt hovered at the back of her mind.

"I think so," was all she could say in reply. "I'll see how I am tomorrow morning."

There was a long pause at the end of the line and when Bruce spoke he seemed surprised. "There isn't something you need to tell me, is there?"

"No, Bruce. Everything is fine. I just need a rest. I'll call you in the morning."

The flight wasn't until the evening. Grace would have plenty of time to come to a decision. Because, she knew she would have to, one way or the other.

They chatted a while longer about business matters. Then, Bruce wished her well and hung up.

Grace stood in the middle of the apartment. She felt suddenly exhausted. Perhaps if she slept, things would be clearer. She was reluctant to go lie down. Maybe that would be something she'd have to get used to.

Grace sighed. There were going to a whole lot of things she was going to have to get used to, no matter what she decided to do.
