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Becca laughed as she watched her son's determined efforts at hiding from his mother.

Grace sat alongside Becca. "He's a little tearaway," she observed.

Becca nodded. "He's got his father's spirit."

"And his mother's good looks," Grace added.

Becca waved a dismissive hand at Grace. She looked mildly embarrassed by the compliment. But the compliment had been sincere.

It was true. Becca was a beautiful woman. She had bright blue eyes and blonde hair. Her features were even and pretty, with high cheeks bones and delicate brows. She was dressed in a plain, but elegant white dress and matching flat shoes. It was a modest outfit, practical and unrevealing.

Grace reflected on the fact that men like Qazim and his brother seemed to have clear ideas of the kinds of women they preferred. There were obvious similarities between Grace and Becca. On the surface, at least. That much was clear to Grace.

There was an excited scream from under the table. Anilya stretched out her arms and pulled Tariq back toward her. The little guy tried hard to wrest himself free, but Anilya clung onto him. Tariq pouted. Grace thought he looked just as cute when he was annoyed as when he was happy.

When she turned to Becca, Grace saw that Becca was watching Grace's reaction to the child.

"Anilya's great with him," Grace said.

Becca sighed. "I don't know what I'd do without her. She's fantastic."

"Qazim told me about where you and Zaheer live," Grace said. "Sounds like a real palace, to me." She pointed at Tariq. "Lots of places for him to get lost."

Becca shook her head. "Never happens. We keep him on a tight leash. There's going to be plenty of time for him to get to know his home. He's got a lot of growing up to do."

Grace smiled. Becca's life had already been planned out, she thought. How comforting that must be, she told herself.

"More than just your average home, then, I guess," Grace said with a smile. She was trying her best to be polite, almost casually disinterested, but the thought of Becca's lifestyle, the future that awaited her in that palace, prompted feelings of curiosity.

Becca shrugged. "I know. It is large. Probably too large for just me and Zaheer and Tariq." Becca's eyes took on a far-away look. "Maybe there'll be other little ones."

Grace gazed intently at Becca. "You think so?"

Becca nodded. "Zaheer wants at least four."

"Four!" Grace said incredulously. "And you? What do you think of that?"

Becca smiled and tilted her head thoughtfully. "I think that would be nice. I can just imagine what it would be like, having all those kids running around. I kinda like the idea." Becca sighed. "And it would make Zaheer so happy."

Grace felt a tinge of jealousy. Becca seemed to have figured out her whole life here in Qazhar. She seemed so certain, so sure of what she wanted for herself and her husband. A large family. A life built around the closeness and happiness that family would bring. In spite of everything Grace had said to Qazim, that sounded like an appealing fantasy.

But that was all it was, wasn't it? A fantasy. Not for Grace. Just thinking about how her life would be transformed, if she agreed to stay, set nerves twisting in her stomach.

But, on the other hand, the evidence of the reality of being an American wife in Qazhar was sitting right next Grace. Becca looked so calm, so incredibly content.

Optimistic. Hopeful.

And the way she spoke about her husband, it was obvious she adored him.

Grace wondered how similar Zaheer and Qazim were. The few times Qazim had spoken about Zaheer, he'd made it clear that Zaheer was the older brother, in fact the head of the Al Shirah family. Qazim had told Grace about how their father had basically stepped down from his role as head of the family for health reasons.

Qazim said his father had been trying hard to adjust to semi-retirement. It hadn't been going too smoothly. But, Qazim's mother was apparently a very persuasive woman. Grace could believe that, if Qazim was anything to go by. Persuasiveness seemed to be a family trait.

Maybe Grace would meet Qazim's mother. She was curious to see what the woman was like, hear about Qazim's childhood. That thought took Grace by surprise. How on earth could she even think about meeting Qazim's mother? That would take things between Grace and Qazim to a whole new level. Grace had a plane to catch in about twenty-four hours, didn't she? She had to leave. It was plain and simple.

"Why don't we take some air out on the balcony," Becca suggested, taking Grace a little by surprise. "We can leave Tariq to try and destroy your apartment," she added with a grin.

Grace laughed and glanced at Tariq who had managed to squeeze free from Anilya's arms. He was ready to embark on another dangerous quest.
