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Eva peered at Grace. "It's so nice to meet another American."

"Hey, what about me!" Becca exclaimed with a smile.

Eva tilted her head. "Of course, sister-in-law. How could I forget you?" she replied with a wide grin.

"You wouldn't dare," Becca joked.

Qazim saw Grace looking quizzically at him. He just shrugged.

"You know you're always in my thoughts," Eva said Becca.

"Even when you're lost in the desert for most of the year?" Becca added, lifting a brow at Eva.

"You don't know what you're missing," Eva said.

Qazim saw Zaheer and Riaz exchange glances. It was always like this when Becca and Eva got together. They were always joking with each other. Riaz and Eva only came to Zaheer's palace a couple of times a year. And even then, it was only for a special reason. This time, they'd wanted to pay a visit because it would soon be Tariq's first birthday.

Qazim saw Grace smile at Eva and Becca.

"I hope you're not too hard on Grace," Eva said digging an elbow into Qazim's side. "What about it, Grace? Is he a tough boss."

Grace peered up at Qazim. He could feel his face redden as he wondered what she was about to say.

Grace squinted thoughtfully. "I'd say he was tough, but fair."

Zaheer laughed out loud. "Qazim, fair? I've heard people say just about everything else, but fair? That's a new one."

Qazim narrowed his eyes at his older brother. "Please," he said mockingly. "I'm trying to make a good impression here," he pleaded with a wide grin.

Eva shook her head. "Well, you're a doing fine job, Qazim," she said easily. "Real fine."

Qazim smiled at Eva. He could tell they were all just trying to break the ice, make Grace feel at home.

Anilya spoke quietly to Becca and then Anilya held Tariq up.

"Time to say goodnight, for the moment anyway," Becca announced.

Everyone said goodnight to Tariq and then Anilya left the room carrying the disappointed child, who just stared blankly at everyone as he was carried out the room.

A servant came in carrying a large tray. On it were a tall silver teapot and cups. They were laid down on the table between the two long sofas.

Qazim guided Grace gently toward the sofa. Zaheer and Riaz sat on one sofa. Becca and Eva sat on the other. Becca patted the sofa next to her. "Grace, you sit next to me."

Grace sat down next to Becca. That meant there was a choice for Qazim. He could sit down alone on the chair by the table, or he could sit next to his two brothers. He chose the latter.

Tea was poured and cups handed out. Overhead, the fans turned lazily, but, for some reason, the cool air didn't make Qazim feel any less warm. He tugged at the collar of his white shirt.

He gazed across at Grace. Eva and Becca were fussing with her, chatting casually. It was clear to Qazim that his sisters-in-law had taken charge for the moment.

Qazim glanced at Zaheer, who was sitting right to him. Zaheer said nothing as he looked across at the three women. He merely smiled knowingly at Qazim.

Alongside Zaheer, Qazim saw Riaz, stiff and erect, watching the sight of the three women talking animatedly. Qazim thought Riaz looked pretty uncomfortable. At least he wasn't the only one suffering here, Qazim told himself.

Of course, his brother wouldn't be used to anything like this, Qazim told himself. Riaz's life revolved so much around his tribe, the life he had chosen for himself. Maybe, Eva had changed some of that, but by the looks of Riaz, there was still some work for Eva to do if Riaz was to be completely comfortable in situations like this.

The conversation amongst the three women continued for quite a while. Qazim was struck by how animated they were together. All three seemed genuinely excited to see another American woman. Their accents were so distinctive, sounding almost sing-song. Grace had relaxed considerably and from time to time glanced over at Qazim.

Qazim spoke quietly with his two brothers. Riaz told Qazim about what had been happening out in the desert. How Eva had been adapting to her chosen life. How he had been getting to know her, their life bringing them closer together. He seemed really proud of her.
