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She smiled. "Thank you, sheikh Ahmed," she replied.

"Please. Just call me Ahmed," he said.

She nodded. "Of course. Ahmed."

Then she turned away from him and started to make her way toward the entrance to the apartment block.

Although she didn't look back, she was certain that if she did, she would see him watching her closely. And perhaps there might be a hint of regret on his features that he wasn't accompanying her up to her apartment.

But a line had been drawn, she told herself as she pushed through the revolving doors and nodded to the concierge who sat behind the desk.

Then she was in the lift, leaning back against the mirrored walls and wondering just how she had managed to make it through this night in one piece.

Gemma arrived at her floor and made her way into the apartment. It was luxurious. There was no disputing that fact. Rashid had spared no expense in putting her up in this place. It had everything she needed.

But, right now, what she really needed was a shower to cool down after this evening's encounters. She'd make a post on her social media profiles, giving her followers some, not all, of the details of the evening. After that, she intended to flop down into the huge bed, pull up the covers and fall asleep as fast as she could.

And try not to think of Sheikh Ahmed and his tempting body.


Somewhere in her dream there was a bell ringing. Insistently and loud. Gemma rose up from the depths of sleep and opened her eyes and glanced at her cell phone on the bedside table. The clock on the display told her it was four in the morning. She glanced toward the partially opened curtains. It was still dark outside.

She sat up and ran a hand through her messed up hair. She wondered who could be calling at this time.

Gemma picked up the phone and pressed it into life.

She heard a familiar voice at the other end of the line. "Gemma?" It was Natalie. One of her best friends. In fact, one of the only ones in her life to whom she could really tell everything in confidence.In this day and age, that was a precious thing to have.

"Natalie? What is it? Do you know what time it is?"

"I know. Sorry to wake you, but this is important. More than important, in fact."

There was an urgency in Natalie's voice that took Gemma by surprise. She sat up and leaned back against the bed's soft headboard.

"What's wrong?" Gemma asked.

"Wrong? Nothing's wrong. But, I have to say. If you were planning on making a splash while you are in Qazhar, you definitely succeeded."

Before Gemma had left, she had talked with Natalie about this being a big opportunity to make a fresh start. If anyone understood how important this trip to Qazhar was to Gemma, it was Natalie.

"What do you mean?" Gemma asked, now completely awake.

"Have you seen what's been posted about you?" Natalie asked. Her voice was breathless with excitement.

"No. Should I?" Gemma replied.

She heard a snorting sound from the other end of the line and she was sure Natalie was trying not to laugh. "If I was you, I'd check it out."

Gemma put her call onto speaker and opened up her social media feed.

There was the post she'd made on arriving at the apartment. She'd tried to make it as fun as all her other posts, but without giving away too many intimate morsels of gossip.

But then, Gemma saw something that caused a sudden chill to sweep through her.

"Can you see it?" Natalie asked, her voice tiny and thin over the cell phone's speaker.

Gemma stared in disbelief at the display of her phone. She didn't say anything. All she could do was gaze at it, feeling the color drain from her face.
