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She shrugged. "I wouldn't know anything about that," she said. "After all, we've only just met."

"Perhaps the next day or two can convince you of my sincerity. After all, I have caused you enough embarrassment already. I feel it is my duty to correct that oversight on my part."

She waved a dismissive hand. "It wasn't really your fault. Probably I should have known better than to get into your limo. But you kinda left me with no choice."

He frowned. "A choice I truly regret," he said.

He did sound sincere, she told herself.

"Okay. So what say we get going," she said.

He smiled and turned to his horse, which had settled slightly, and was now standing calmly awaiting its master. Ahmed gestured with a hand toward the horse. "Your transport awaits," he said and grinned.

Gemma lifted a brow at him. It was going to be a very interesting nighttime journey across the desert.


Ahmed lifted Gemma up onto the horse. As he did so, he couldn't help noticing the feel of her hips through the fabric of her dress, the same dress that made her look so much like a woman of his own kingdom.

Her body felt so warm and so full beneath the dress. Desire flamed within him, urgent and welcoming. As she lifted herself onto the top of the horse she glanced down at him, her eyes suddenly full of curiosity. He was sure that she had taken note of the way he had held her as he'd helped her up onto the horse. He wasn't sure whether she disapproved or not, but he liked the look in her eyes. He liked the fire that appeared in her gaze from time to time.

"I told you that I don't know how to ride a horse, didn't I," Gemma said. "I haven't been on that many."

"It doesn't matter," Ahmed said. "You'll be safe with me. "

She responded to that statement with a slight arching of her brow. "Really?" She paused as if awaiting a smart comeback from him. But, instead he gazed steadily at her, wanting her to know that his next statement was heartfelt and true.

"Of course you'll be safe," he declared. "Haven't I already told you that?"

She seemed to weigh up those words carefully, the same way she'd done it moments ago when they'd been bargaining and negotiating whether she should go with him. "How far did you say this encampment of yours was?" she asked.

"About an hour," he replied tightening the saddle and taken note of the length of her leg as it hung down by the side of the horse. He could tell that she had very fine legs. Beautiful, in fact, just like everything else about her.

Why did he feel the need to take in the sight of every part of her body, to savor every casual look, every accidental touch, now that she was so close to him, now that they were alone out here?

Last night in the limo, something had awakened in him, an instant desire for this woman. And now that she was by his side, that desire was beginning to bear fruit in the form of a need he was struggling to disguise.

There were no stirrups in the saddle. He never used such a thing, not here in the desert. He was too experienced a horseman to need anything like that. He had been riding in the desert for years and was comfortable without such useless equipment.

He liked to ride raw and rough and fast.

He had loaded the contents of her small bag from the car into the sidesaddle. He noted that she had only brought a few things, and concluded that she had not been planning to stay too long out here.

That would be fine, he reflected. He was just glad that he would have a chance to spend that time with her. This was going be a completely new experience for him, having a woman like her so close, out here.

He'd never brought a woman here. She would be the first he'd allowed into his private sanctuary. But, somehow, she seemed like the right kind of woman to be granted such a privilege. Because that was what he regarded it as. A privilege. He was sure she would treat it like that.

Now he was ready, so he lifted himself up onto the horse holding onto the reins. He sat behind her on the wide saddle onto which they both comfortably fit.

He felt her hips shift slightly as he found his position at her back. Ahmed extended his arms around her body on both sides and gripped the reins. The scent of her perfume was suddenly intoxicating and the feel of her warm body against his torso was just as difficult to ignore.

"You comfortable?" he asked quietly.

Gemma didn't turn to look at him. He felt her body tighten slightly as if she was taking a few moments to get used to this. Almost as if she was considering one last time whether this whole thing was a good idea. Whether they could even spend the next hour or so like this, their bodies pressed hard against each other.

One thing was for sure, the next hour or so was going to take a whole lot of getting used to as far as he was concerned.

Gemma nodded. "Feels okay," she said abruptly. He could tell from her voice that she was a little uneasy.

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