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She was here now, and he would have to seize his chance.

Or he might regret it for a very long time.

GEMMA SPENT THE DAY MUCH AS SHE'D SPENT the morning. She relaxed around the camp, breathing in the peace of the place. She noticed that Ahmed kept well away from her the whole time. He was obviously determined to keep his promise.

From time to time throughout the day they would pass one another. He would glance at her and smile warmly, but keep moving, never pausing to talk to her.

For her part, there were instances when she'd wanted to stop and talk with him. But every time the impulse came to her, she resisted it. The memory of their disagreement was too fresh in her mind.

Later in the afternoon she decided she'd take a nap. She still wasn't used to the heat of the day out in the desert. Inside the tent was the only place she could feel comfortable.

The only problem was, the solitude she'd told herself she so badly needed, simply gave her more time to think about Ahmed.

And that wasn't what she wanted.

Not at all.

But as she turned from side to side on the bed, she couldn't help thinking about him. About the way he'd looked at her this morning. About some of the things he'd said to her.

It was clear to her that Ahmed was taking her stay in the camp very seriously. He was doing everything he could to make her feel at home.

And, in spite of her initial reservations, she was beginning to feel comfortable in the camp. Not that she had any intention of staying more than another day or two.

In fact, the more she thought about her and Ahmed's exchange this morning, the more she'd come to the conclusion that it might be better for them both if she cut short her stay.

Maybe even leave later that day, before nightfall. She was sure that if she asked him to take her back to the village, he'd be truly disappointed.

There was nothing she could do about that. He'd understood right from the outset that she only intended for this to be a short stay.

But then there had been the way he'd touched her this morning.

She thought about that for a long moment, savoring the details of the memory.

The way he'd lingered over that touch. The way he'd curled his fingers around her arms, holding her gently.

And his dark gaze had been seductive and powerful. Too intense, really, she told herself. It had almost made her lose her breath for a moment.

There was no doubt Ahmed was beginning to feel something strong for Gemma. She knew that, and in some way it made her feel trepidation. She knew where something like that could lead, and she didn't want that.

Did she?

She ran a hand across the bed, thinking how it would feel to have him lying by her side. Letting himcrush her body, pressing his hardness against her.

Everything that would inevitably come from that.

Just thinking about it made her core flame with heat. What was it about this man that had captivated her heart so much? And so quickly.

Was this what people talked about when they spoke of instant attraction?

Instant passion.

What made her hesitant was the simple truth that with Ahmed, if she opened herself up to him, let him in, it would be more than just a surrender. More than just a casual encounter.

She could sense the seriousness of his purpose when it came to her. He wasn't merely toying with her. She was no mere casual fling.


She had the sense that he really wanted her in a more profound way than she could ever have imagined. And that realization made her nervous. She'd never been so close to a man who possessed such animal-like intensity before. She knew that if she submitted to the temptation to be with him, her world might be turned upside down.
