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Ahmed was sure that Gemma would resist such a move by Rashid. In fact, he was almost sure she wouldn't tell anyone. Not even her social media followers.

Would that be the ultimate test of the bond they'd forged between each other? Whether Gemma would keep her experience with Ahmed private?

Because if she did, that just might be a signal for him.

A second chance for him.

If she did keep it all between herself and him, if she refused to share it with the outside world, might that mean she'd changed her mind? That she did really want him?

Time could be a great healer. It could wash away all doubt. It might give Gemma the chance to reflect on what she had just cast aside.

Because, hadn't she just pushed Ahmed firmly away. Just like she'd done on almost every occasion.

Except, of course, last night. She hadn't kept him at bay then. In fact, it had been quite the opposite. She'd scarcely been able to let him go. Especially after her first peak had been reached.

He thought of the way she'd embraced him, held him, kissed him.

She belonged in his arms. Destiny had brought her to him and he wouldn't be denied the chance to follow that fate all the way to its end.

Their love-making had been so intense, so incredible that he hadn't even considered the possibility that Gemma would turn her back on him. Not in the way she'd done.

Not with such suddenness.

He wondered what had driven her to that. He refused to believe she considered what had passed between them as nothing more than a temporary encounter. One that could be forgotten like a one night stand.

Fate had something very special in store for them both. He could feel it in his bones.

And he was sure she felt the same way, even if, right now, she didn't know it. He could understand her being thrown off balance. His own world had been turned upside down, so he wasn't surprised that she'd felt like that this morning.

Maybe she'd acted too hastily.

But, he'd had to respect her choice. He always would respect her choices, however inconvenient he found them.

Even as he thought that, Ahmed knew what he was really trying to convince himself of.

And what was that?

It was simple, really.

He wasn't going to let Gemma go. She had come into his life and he was not going to lose her.

The storm around the tent last night had felt like his heart was feeling right now. Gemma had been like a whirlwind sweeping into his life.

His love for her was a force of nature which had taken possession of him.

And he wasn't about to give that up.

Not without a fight.

He knew what he had to do, and he could not wait to get back to the city.


Gemma sat back on the sofa in her apartment and pictured Natalie's expression. She could just see the excited look on her friend's face.

"Where did you go?" Natalie asked breathlessly. "I was so worried about you."

"You didn't have to worry about me, Natalie. Everything was fine. I just needed some time to myself."
