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He nodded. "It's over for Rashid. From now on, you'll be with me."

She frowned. "But what will he say?"

Ahmed shrugged. "He can say what he likes. But, from now on I want you with me." He grinned. "If that meets with your approval, of course," he added, lifting a sly brow.

She smiled at him and laughed. "Of course it does."

She settled into against him, leaning her head against his chest. She could feel his heart pounding, feel his heat against her skin. It felt so good to be back in his arms.

Ahmed curled his arm around her, holding her close. They sat like that for a few minutes, saying nothing to each other, content to be this close.

Her mind filled with questions about the future. Now that she'd made her choice, now that a commitment had been made, she wondered how things would work out between her and Ahmed.

Should she say in Qazhar with Ahmed? What would Rashid say when he found out? How would things work out between her and Ahmed now that she'd almost agreed to stay a while?

Those questions would be answered in good time, she told herself. Right now, the only thing she wanted was to be with him. She'd let destiny work itself out, just like it had done when she and Ahmed had been brought together.

Maybe sometimes it was best just to let fate have its way, she reflected.

She felt Ahmed's heart quicken slightly and his body seemed to tense. She wondered what was wrong and sat up, gazing at him. "What is it?" she asked.

He drew in a deep breath and returned her steady look. He shifted on the sofa and took both her hands in his. "Gemma. I want to ask you something."

Her throat tightened. "Yes?"

He nodded. She saw him swallow. He looked suddenly nervous, as if the weight of the world was on his shoulders. "I know we've only know each other a short time."

"That's an understatement," she agreed.

He smiled and continued. "And I know I probably have no right to ask you this. But, if I don't, I'll never be able to look at myself in the mirror again, thinking that I didn't seize the opportunity destiny has placed in my hands."

"What do you mean?" she asked softly.

He looked suddenly earnest, more serious than she'd ever seen him. His gaze became softer and then he smiled at her. He leaned closer. "I love you, Gemma," he breathed.

His words triggered a flaming of emotion within her. For a moment, she was lost for words. Somehow, hearing him say that here, seemed more real than when he'd spoken those same words to her up at the encampment. She remembered how he had breathed those exact same words into her ear as they'd made love.

Now, though, with him sitting right next to her, holding her hands, with his eyes filled with emotion, it all seemed so inevitable.

Undeniably true.

She knew what she had to say in response. Because the words that were in her own mind were also true. "I love you too, Ahmed," she said quietly.

They were the most momentous words she'd ever uttered and she saw their effect instantly in the change that came over his features. He smiled broadly at her, relief flooding across his face.

He embraced her and kissed her, lavishing all his affection on her once again.

She'd never felt like this before. It was incredible. The kiss went on for a long time. But she wasn't about to complain, not when she was in his arms, feeling his heat, sensing the strength of his love for her.

His lips parted from hers. "Habibti," he murmured in his own language.

She squinted at him, not knowing what that words meant.

"It means, beloved," Ahmed explained. "It is what a man says to the woman who is his true love. The one he is destined for," he added.

She felt her mouth open in surprise and she didn't know how she was going to respond to that.

He looked at her evenly. "You are my beloved, Gemma," he stated firmly and softly. There was no doubting his sincerity, she told herself. She could see how much that declaration had meant to him. He would not have said such a thing to her if he hadn't meant it, she reflected.
