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"He's here," Eliana's mother announced as she gazed out through the open doors of the palace sitting room and out to the garden. The cool breeze of the early afternoon drifted into the room. But, right now, Princess Eliana of Zahram wasn't feeling in the slightest bit cool.

Her heart was beating faster, and there was that familiar, tense knot in her stomach every time she and Kadeem had to spend time with each other.

The white walls of the high-ceilinged sitting room suddenly felt as if they were closing in on her. And the expectant gazes of the two other women in the room were making her feel even more uneasy. It was time to put on the show.


Eliana heard the whirring sound of the helicopter's rotor blades begin to slow. She stood transfixed in the middle of the room, her hands clasped across her midriff. She was unable to move a muscle.

Kadeem had come. Just as he'd said he would.

She knew that if she looked outside she would see the helicopter on the palace garden lawn. She'd see Sheikh Kadeem Al Kharif emerge from the helicopter he'd just piloted down onto the palace garden of his family's palace. She would see his tall, undeniably handsome figure stride across the lawn, heading purposefully toward the terrace.

Toward her.

But she wasn't going to do that. This whole charade had to come to an end. And today was the day to bring it to a finish, she told herself.

Eliana's mother, Gretchen, waved a hand at her daughter. "Come here," Gretchen said in an enthusiastic voice. Whenever she got excited, Gretchen's voice slipped right back into her native American accent.

"I'm okay here, mother," Eliana said softly. "I can wait here."

"Nonsense, Ellie," Gretchen said. "Get over here."

Eliana started to move slowly toward her mother, every step an excruciating effort.

Next to Gretchen stood Nalini, who was Sheikh Kadeem's mother. Needless to say, she was thrilled to see her son.

Nalini frowned. "I get worried every time he flies that thing," Nalini said gazing out at the helicopter.

Gretchen touched Nalini on the arm. "You don't need to be concerned about your son, Nalini. I'm sure he knows what he's doing."

Of course, he knows what he's doing, Eliana reflected. Sheikh Kadeem would never show a moment of weakness; never reveal the slightest doubt in any of his abilities. He was confidence personified.

Eliana held back an ironic smile. If only the two women knew how close that remark was to the truth. Kadeem knew exactly what he had been doing with Eliana these last two months.

And it wasn't good. It wasn't right. But she and Kadeem had had no choice. Had they?

Eliana halted by the side of Gretchen and Nalini. Both women were dressed in simple, expertly tailored, gowns, in keeping with their status as matriarchs of two influential families. Eliana felt slightly underdressed in her privately tailored, elaborately decorated, white dress. The dress of a princess, Eliana reflected. Which was, of course, who she was.

Princess Eliana of Zahram.

Gretchen and Nalini smiled at each other. They were just about the same age, in their fifties, and both possessed the grace and self-assurance which comes with a fulfilled life of privilege and wealth. Both had been blessed with refined features that had aged supremely well. And each of them were calmly confident in all things.

So, how come she couldn't feel like that, right now, Eliana chided herself.

Eliana took her place between the two women. She realized she was supposed to be pleased to see Kadeem. Eliana felt her mother's arm slide around her waist. Eliana looked at her mother and saw a flicker of puzzlement in her mother's eyes. Eliana forced herself to smile.

"I know you're excited to see him, Ellie," her mother said softly.

Eliana nodded. "I am," she agreed weakly.

Eliana heard footsteps on the marble terrace floor. And then, Kadeem was standing there. He halted and gazed at the welcoming trio.

"Good afternoon," he said in a deep, vibrant voice. He opened his arms wide and grinned. "What a wonderful surprise," he said. "Three beautiful, elegant women. The day just got a whole lot better," he said with a mischievous smile.

Gretchen and Nalini laughed delightedly.
