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She lifted a brow. "Really?"

Kadeem nodded and walked toward Eliana. "He was asking me about the arrangements. And I just wanted to confirm that you're happy with them," he said. His eyes widened and he pointed toward the double doors which exited out onto the terrace.

Eliana looked quizzically at Kadeem. Once again he pointed to the doors and made it clear that he wanted her to move toward them.

Understanding him now, she nodded. "I see. And what's been organized?" she asked, going along with the pretense.

Kadeem took her hand and started to lead her toward the door. "Maybe I can show you a list of guests he's invited. Let's sit down on the sofa. Take a look at it and tell me what you think."

They continued to move toward the doors. Kadeem had no list in his hands and he obviously had no desire to lead her to the sofa. This whole performance was clearly for the benefit of whoever was behind the door. She wondered who the listener could be. One thing was for sure. It would never be Sayirah. Loyalty was the young woman's strong point.

Kadeem said nothing as he carefully opened the doors to the terrace. She followed him out into the cool evening air. There was a flight of steps which led down to the garden area to the side of the embassy building.

Still gripping her hand gently, Kadeem led Eliana slowly down the steps. She asked herself why she was cooperating with this. It was the same reason why she'd allowed herself to spend so much time with Kadeem during these past weeks. In spite of all her reservations; in spite of all the reasons why she shouldn't, there was something exciting about being with the Qazhar sheikh. He had the ability to take her by surprise. And tonight was no exception.

"Where are we going?" she asked as they made their way across the neatly cut lawn.

"Anywhere we can talk in private," he declared.

She hesitated and stopped. He halted and gazed at her in the soft light cast from inside the embassy building.

"What makes you think I want to go anywhere with you?" she asked.

He lowered his head and looked at her from beneath his dark brows,. In the semi-darkness his eyes seemed to possess a strange, persuasive power. "Because I think you know you want us to work this all out before tomorrow." He glanced up at the building. "And we're never going to get a chance to do that here."

She knew he was right. And she knew that, if she was going to avert a disaster tomorrow, then she'd have to trust him.

She nodded. "Okay," she agreed. Then she gave him a stern look. "But, it's only going to be for a short while. If I'm gone too long, there'll be an outcry."

"Don't worry," he said. "What I have in mind won't take long."

Before she had a chance to say anything else, respond to the thought which had just flickered into her mind, he had turned and was leading her toward the driveway in front of the palace building. She saw his limo parked there. His own driver was standing next to it.

Within moments, she was inside Kadeem's limo and the door was closed.

Then the limo sped out of the embassy grounds and out onto the main road.

And Eliana realized that she still didn't know where Kadeem was taking her.


For some reason, Eliana had assumed this impulsive and hastily arranged journey with Kadeem would take her to some distant corner of the city. So she was amazed when Kadeem's limo pulled to a halt in front of a tall building only a five minutes drive from the Zahram embassy.

Eliana gazed up at the twenty-story, ultra-modern tower. "What's this?" she asked turning to Kadeem.

He leaned forward and pushed open the door. "This is where we can have some privacy. At last."

"You're saying this is where you live?" she asked.

He shrugged. "One of the places I have in the city."

She remained seated and narrowed her eyes at him. "This is where you bring your friends?" she asked, knowing full well what she meant. She was sure this was some kind of bachelor apartment.

"Actually, I own the entire block," he said.

She felt her mouth open in surprise. "Oh!" was all she could say.

Then he stepped out of the limo and extended a hand. "I promise I won't bite," he said casually. He grinned at her, waiting for her reply. All she did in response was place her hand in his and step out of the limo.
