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Kadeem moved quickly, striding out into the corridor. He knew this couldn't be good news. Not after the way Azem had spoken to him on Kadeem's arrival earlier in the morning.

Kadeem moved quickly down the corridor which would take him to the north of the palace. There he would find the courtyard within which was situated the large fountain. Worry fired up in him as he thought about what he'd find there.

As he walked, Kadeem thought about the afternoon which had just passed. It had gone as well as he could have expected. He'd done what, a few days ago, would have seemed an impossibility.

He'd claimed his arranged bride-to-be.

He thought about the way Eliana had looked at him as he'd said those earth-shattering words. Her eyes had been moist with emotion as he'd heaped praise on her. And they'd been full of even more emotion when he'd declared his formal claim upon her hand.

He was sure he'd never felt such happiness before. But, during the following hours, as he'd mingled with the guests, chatting with them and sharing his new beautiful prospective bride with them, Kadeem had felt a growing unease.

Eliana had seemed distant. And nothing he had said seemed to have made a difference. Of course, she didn't show any disappointment to either of her parents. Her father in particular had remained impassive throughout the afternoon. Azem's harsh words still rang in Kadeem's ears.

Had the King of Zahram realized what Kadeem had achieved? Did he understand that he had made an enemy of his potential son-in-law? Because that was the effect of that unpleasant exchange out there in the garden only a few short hours ago.

Kadeem had made an enemy of Azem.

Just as he was about to reach the courtyard, Kadeem turned a corner and almost ran into the figure of Azem. Both men halted, face to face, and peered at each other.

"Where is Eliana?" Kadeem demanded.

Azem smiled. "You wish to talk with my daughter?"

Kadeem glared at Azem. "Where is she?"

Azem tilted his head. "She is waiting for you at the fountain."

Kadeem frowned in puzzlement.

"She knew you would come for her," Azem explained. "She told me you would come to find her. It seems she knows you better than you think, Sheikh Kadeem," Azem said sardonically.

Kadeem ignored that last remark and pushed past Azem. There would be nothing to be gained from arguing with Azem. Every moment he was apart from Eliana was one moment too many, as far as he was concerned.

Kadeem raced along the corridor and came to an archway which opened out onto a wide courtyard. In the middle of the courtyard was a large fountain.Sitting on the circular edge was Eliana.

Kadeem halted and gazed at her. She was sitting with her back to him. Gazing into the pool, she was casually dipping her hand in the water. The sound of the gently tumbling water filled the wide, high-ceilinged space. Each of the four interior walls of the courtyard were formed of a series of traditionally and ornately decorated arches with a narrow cloistered passage.

This was a place designed for peace, Kadeem reminded himself. But, right now, the woman he had chosen looked anything but at peace.

Kadeem moved into the courtyard, his footsteps sounding loud on the marble floor. Eliana turned at the sound.

Her eyes widened. "Kadeem!" she exclaimed.

Kadeem went to Eliana and sat down beside her, feeling the cool marble beneath him.

"Eliana," he breathed. "I was looking for you."

"You were?" she asked.

Kadeem nodded. He reached across and took her hand. It felt icy cold. He gazed into her eyes and saw something there which immediately set him on edge.

"Was your father here?" he asked.

She nodded, but didn't say anything.

"What did he want?" Kadeem asked.

She shook her head. "Nothing. He just wanted to talk with me."
