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"Eliana? You're not telling me you believe what your father thinks about me is true."

She shook her head, but it was a weak gesture, lacking conviction. "That's not it, Kadeem. This whole thing has been crazy. Sometimes I don't know what to think. I don't know what's true anymore."

"What about last night?" he asked, squeezing her shoulders gently. "That was true, wasn't it? Real?"

She lifted her gaze to him. She smiled, but again there was a lack of conviction in her response. "Of course it was real, Kadeem," she murmured.

He felt a heaviness in his chest, as if all the work of today had been for nothing. Did she doubt his sincerity? Was she thinking to find some way to call the whole thing off?

Kadeem moved closer. "Every word I said to you last night was true, Eliana. I meant what I said."

She smiled. "I know, Kadeem."

It wasn't the response he'd wanted. Nothing like it. What had her father done?

"You know I won't stop, don't you," Kadeem declared. "Your father can't stop me from making you my bride."

Her mouth turned downward. "He seems to think he can. And he is quite powerful."

"Not in Qazhar, he isn't," Kadeem stated firmly.

"In my country, what he says is law," Eliana said. "He has a great deal of power there."

Kadeem frowned. "Maybe that's the reason why he is so angry about all of this."

Eliana peered at him quizzically. "What do you mean?"

"Your father feels that I am in control here," Kadeem said. "If I choose to do something, there is little he can do to stop me. His power has been taken away by the forces of custom and tradition."

"Why is that important?"

"It means he will never take me seriously while he is here. While he is waiting for the outcome of our courtship."

Eliana squinted at him. "So how can you make him take you seriously?"

Kadeem smiled. "There is only one place where I can prove to your father that I am worthy. And that is in Zahram."

"My country?" Eliana exclaimed. "How?"

"He considers me beneath him," Kadeem said. "He doesn't think I am fit or competent enough to be a part of your life. He cannot see how I could ever possibly fit into the court life in Zahram."

Eliana's eyes brightened. He could see the understanding in her eyes. She knew where he was going with this.

"You wish to come to Zahram?" she asked breathlessly.

Kadeem gazed with utter determination into Eliana's eyes. "I will go to Zahram. With you as my betrothed. And I will show your father that I am fit to be your husband."

Eliana smiled and thought for a few long moments. "He will make it very difficult for you," she said.

"It will be nothing if I know you have faith in me, Eliana," Kadeem said. "You do have faith in me, don't you."

There was a very long pause, during which all he could feel was the furious beating of his heart and the tightening of his throat. She considered his words for what seemed like an eternity.

Then she nodded. "After last night, how could I not?" she said softly.

Then he leaned forward, dipped his head and claimed her lips with a kiss. He'd wanted to do that all day, but they'd had no privacy. She moaned quietly as she lifted her chin. He savored the sweetness of her lips as he cupped her exquisite oval face in his hands. This was where she belonged. By his side.

For a few perfect moments, all he felt was the delight of being with her, the gentle movements of her lips. He knew she wanted him, but there seemed to be so many barriers in the way. So many obstacles. But, none of that mattered now. Not while her body was pressed close to his.
