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"I know that one," Eliana said. She grinned at Kadeem. "It's got some beautiful views of the mountains."

He smiled. "Sounds nice."

The servants went ahead of Eliana and Kadeem. She led him up the stairs and down a long corridor. Finally they reached some open doors. Inside there were staff members busy fussing and putting the final touches to the Kadeem's rooms.

There was nothing modest about these rooms. They were reserved for only the most special guests. At least that decision had been correctly made, Eliana reflected. Irritation still tugged at Eliana as she thought about her father's snub of Kadeem. Because that was what it had been, she told herself. She hoped it wasn't a sign of what was to come. Kadeem was to be here for at least a week. She hoped his visit wasn't going to be marred by anything unpleasant.

Eliana followed Kadeem into the room. He gazed around, obviously impressed. It was called the blue room for an obvious reason. The pale blue walls and marble floors shimmered in the sunlight which blazed in through the open doors which led out onto the balcony. All of the furniture was of various delicate shades of a light blue. The effect of all of this was to make the room feel like summer had taken up a permanent residence. That was fitting, Eliana thought. Because, she felt that a bright, new part of her life had just begun.

As the last servant closed the door behind them, Kadeem took Eliana's hand and walked with her out onto the terrace. She hadn't been lying when she'd told him that the views were magnificent. She halted at the balustrade and gazed up at the high mountains, with their snow-covered peaks. The air felt fresh. The palace was located on a plain which was high up and away from the distant coastal region.Up here, Eliana always felt as if she was removed from the ordinary life.

Kadeem wrapped his arm around Eliana's waist and drew her close to him. "Finally," he murmured,. "I get you to myself."

She sank into his embrace, feeling the heat of his body as she pressed against it. He looked stunning in his casual white shirt and dark pants. She curled her hands around his powerful shoulders, just as she'd done so many times in recent days. She was beginning to sense his every move, anticipate what he wanted from her. And, right now, she knew exactly what he needed.

When his lips sank onto hers, she felt a palpable relief. As if this was where she belonged. In his arms. She felt his hand snake slowly around the back of her head, cradling her gently, savoring the kiss. His tongue probed gently, but she could tell he was trying to contain his need. There would be plenty of time for them to be alone, she told herself. She knew every private corner. Now that he was here with her, no-one was going to stop her from making sure that Kadeem felt at home.

Their lips parted and he gazed into her eyes. "I can hardly believe I'm here," he said. "That we're here. Together."

"I know," she replied, trying to contain her excitement.

"I'm going to do my best to get to know everything about you here," he said. "You know that's why I came, don't you?"

"That and to spite my father," she reminded him.

He tilted his head and shrugged. "That as well, of course," he admitted and smiled.

She was glad he hadn't seemed to take offense at her father's failure to meet them.

Kadeem kissed her once again and then, after the kiss was over, they both turned and gazed across the wide expanse of the garden. Eliana could see some servants down there, busy tending to the garden which was, she was reliably informed, the largest garden of any country in the region. It had been tended over the centuries and was one of her favorite places to walk.

"I take it you're going to give me a tour," he said.

"Of course," she agreed. "That's if you've got the stamina."

He lifted a brow. "What do you mean?"

"The palace corridors cover a long distance." She quirked a teasing brow at him. "You sure you're up to it?"

He smiled. "Have you forgotten?"


"I can keep going for a very long time," he said.

She blushed, knowing he wasn't just talking about how far he could walk.

"I just thought you'd be tired after the trip," she said trying ignore the fact that her cheeks were suddenly blazing hot.

He shook his head. "I can't wait to see where you grew up. You won't hide any dark secrets from me, will you?"

"What secrets?" she snapped. She knew he was teasing her, but she wasn't about to say anything to make him stop.

Kadeem furrowed his brows. "You're a princess in the biggest palace I've ever seen, and you're telling me you have no secrets?"

"Well, maybe one or two," she admitted.

She liked it when they sparred like this. It was such a change from their earlier times together. Then, there had been nothing playful about their exchanges. She thought about all the pretend unpleasantness they'd indulged in. All the fake disagreements.
