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Kadeem felt sick to his stomach. He'd walked straight into a trap. And now everything was falling apart.

"I think I get the meaning quite clearly, Azem. You must be pleased," Kadeem said sharply.

"It is simple justice, Sheikh Al Kharif."

Kadeem scowled at Azem. "How is it justice to deprive your daughter of her happiness?" Kadeem demanded.

Azem frowned. "She understands her duties. What is expected of her."

"Duties? Is that all you can think of?"

"There is nothing more important than honor," Azem announced. "You, of all people, must understand that."

Kadeem gestured toward the piece of paper on the table. "How did you dig that clause up?"

Azem drew himself stiffly. "After last night, I thought deeply. It was then that I realized that your foolish, impulsive conduct may well have transgressed a very important rule in this whole charade."

"Charade?" Kadeem exclaimed.

Azem leaned closer, and his gaze became suddenly dark and dangerous. "We both know it started out as a charade. Neither you nor my daughter had any intention of honoring this ancient tradition. You did everything you could to make it seem that you and my daughter were incompatible."

"All that has changed, Azem," Kadeem ejaculated. "Completely. I love your daughter."

Azem's eye widened and his jaw tightened, as if Kadeem's declaration had somehow offended him. "That is irrelevant now," Azem stated stiffly. He pointed to the paper. "This is of more significance than mere passing sentiment."

"Passing sentiment? Is that how you'd describe how your daughter and I feel for one another."

Azem shook his head. "Do not speak to me of feelings, Sheikh Al Kharif." Azem gazed around the room, as if taking in the whole of the palace. "What you see around you, what you have enjoyed since you arrived, is so much more important than sentiments which will pass with the seasons."

Kadeem wanted to object, needed to stand up and defend what he'd claimed during these last few weeks. He felt a burning need to fight for Eliana. To maintain his claim upon her.

He glanced down at the treacherous truth on the paper.

Kadeem knew that what was written on the paper, as well as what he himself had done, trumped any objections he might have. But, he told himself he might be able to reason with Azem. They were talking about his daughter's happiness, Kadeem told himself. Didn't that matter to the stubborn old man who sat gloating at him?

"Why am I not suitable as a husband to your daughter?" Kadeem asked.

Azem's mouth turned downwards. "I told you. There is no common ground between our two families. You have your tribe and the allegiances which come with it. I have my kingdom to consider."

Kadeem sighed. "I'm not good enough? Is that what you're saying?"

Azem shrugged. "I suppose that is exactly what I'm saying, Sheikh," he said. That last word had been spoken with barely disguised contempt.

There passed a long silence between the two men. Kadeem stared at Azem, seeing the bright glint of triumph in the man's eyes.

Kadeem stood and peered down at Azem. "I'll have to explain what's happened to Ellie."

Azem stood up quickly. "I'm afraid that won't be possible."

"What!" Kadeem exclaimed.

"The princess has been called away for this morning. She was told it was to prepare for a meeting with you later this morning."

"You lied to her?"

Azem shrugged. "Sometimes one has to bend the truth, in order to prevent greater distress."

Kadeem tightened his fists into balls and advanced on Azem. Fury flared inside him. "What do you think you're doing?" Kadeem demanded.
