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"The best? For whom? Me? Or just for father." Eliana groaned. She stood quickly. "I have to go and see Kadeem."

Gretchen stood and faced Eliana. "I'm afraid it's too late for that, Eliana," her mother said.

"Why?" Eliana demanded. The sinking sensation was as heavy as a stone now. And a terrible ache was building in her heart. She felt her throat tighten and desperately wanted to cry out. Do anything that would stop this terrible thing from happening. Because it was more than terrible. It was the worst thing that could possibly happen. For an awful moment, she knew just what her father had already done. And, she'd been fool enough to let it happen. If she had been with Kadeem, this morning, none of this would have happened.

"What has he done?" Eliana demanded. Her voice echoed in the high, vaulted room.

From behind her, Eliana heard a deep voice. "I have done what was best, Eliana."

She whirled around and stared at her father, who was standing at the open door.

Eliana advanced to her father. "And what is that?" she demanded.

Her father looked sternly at Eliana. "I have sent him back to where he belongs," he stated. For a moment, she thought he looked terribly pleased with himself. And so assured, as if what he had done had made complete sense. As if it had been inevitable.

"To Qazhar?" Eliana shrieked. "No! You can't have done that."

Eliana stretched out her hands and seized her father by the shoulders. "Tell me you have not done this."

Azem gazed down sternly at Eliana. "I did what was right and proper," he said. "And what was best for you, Eliana."

"No. You did this because your own personal pride was offended. That's the truth, isn't it?" Eliana snapped.

Emotion swirled throughout her body. She glared at her father. Momentarily, and for the first time in her entire life, she told herself he was the most hateful man in the world. Determined to have his way, he had thrown away her only hope of happiness. Did he have any idea of what he had just done.

Eliana made a move for the open door, but Azem reached out an arm, barring her way. "There is no point in going to him, Eliana. He has gone."

"When?" she gasped.

"I sent him away by plane a short while ago. His plane will already be in the air and heading for Qazhar, even as we speak."

Eliana froze, almost unable to believe what her father was telling her. What he had done. She turned and gazed at her mother. She saw astonishment written on her mother's features. Gretchen was peering at Azem, and Eliana could see disbelief on her mother's face.

"Did you know he was going to do this?" Eliana asked.

Gretchen walked slowly to them, her gaze fixed on her husband's face. There was a very long pause. Eliana gazed at her mother, wondering at the reaction she was witnessing.

Finally, her mother spoke to Azem. "You have gone too far, this time, Azem."

Azem's brows lifted incredulously, but he said nothing.

Gretchen sighed heavily and glanced at Eliana. Her mother's gaze was suddenly thoughtful as she turned to face Azem. "You told me you would work this out. With Kadeem," she said.

Azem lifted his head proudly. "And I have."

"You did not tell me you were going to send him away," Gretchen accused.

"There was no need. It wasn't my intention to begin with. But his reaction was such that I had no choice but to do so."

Gretchen narrowed her eyes. "No choice?"

Azem shook his head and glanced at Eliana. For the first time since he'd entered the room, he looked unsure of himself.

Gretchen looked at Eliana. "I'm sorry, Eliana," her mother said softly. "This was not how it was supposed to be."

Azem took a step toward Gretchen, but one sharp look from her made him halt in his tracks. His face became an impassive mask as he stared at his wife. Eliana had never seen her parents like this before. She had hardly ever witnessed any kind of disagreement. She could hardly shift her gaze from the both of them.

"What do you mean, mother?" Eliana asked.
